Friday, June 23, 2006

Defcon 2

The pool is still green.

Bob is really stressed.

I'm too hot for words which always brings out C-Rex.

The other house still needs painting time - I was there today but Lord, I hate painting trim because it always takes like 4 coats of paint!

Friends are coming tomorrow and Bob wants the lawn cut.

I have no food in the house and even if I did, I don't have the energy to cook.

Bob and I had a blow-out at about 6:30pm so I crawled into bed for a nap. We have a rule that only one person at a time can be freaking out but apparently we left the rule book at the other house. I'm thinking we should just avoid each other for a few weeks.

Bob has decided that he will drain the pool, power wash everything, change all the plumbing and have the heater put in. This will take two weeks. Two weeks of my precious summer without a pool. Not. Impressed.

I just dumped yet another chemical into the pool in the hopes that the green will disappear by the time Bob gets up or good-bye pool.

Tomorrow I need to get up at 1:30pm go to the supermarket for some crap, get home and jump on the mower and hopefully squeeze in a shower before 4pm. The mowing took an hour and a half last week. Bob asked me to get closer to this pipe thing sticking out of the ground.

Yep, I'm right on it.

Did I mention my best bud is coming on Saturday? Again, right when I wake up? Again, not going to get anything accomplished?

Oh, here's one for you - the kitchen floor in this place is filthy! See, the last owners were old so I think she had a cleaning service and well, they must have just mopped because - yuck! I want to take an S.O.S. pad and scrub the floors but again, where am I to find the time?

At night there are a hundred and one creepy crawlies that emerge. I have the heebeejeebees!

Monday I am starting a cleaning campaign.

Vacation is officially over!

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