Friday, November 04, 2005

Odds and Ends

I had a post written last night but blogger ate it so I'm hoping this one works!

Just wanted to let you know that I have landed back on the planet and all things are good. Pool closers came and shut that down. The insurance rep came and looked at the damage that I had left in the basement and I am hoping to know by tomorrow afternoon. (Wouldn't want them to rush it or anything). And my husband fell asleep at 9pm Tuesday night for the first time in about 3 months. It was good to see him relax.

On Monday night I went book shopping online but I kept myself from over purchasing. Now I am regretting that decision ;) I really, really want like 10 books to show up on my doorstep.

I ordered:

The Hunger by Susan Squires
The Companion by Susan Squires
Undead and Unreturnable by Mary Janice Davidson
Perfect Waltz by Anne Gracie

Yeah, yeah, I made a big deal about connected books in this post but it is clear, I'm a masochist ;) The Squires books are part of a connected series. At least, I think they are because I have only been skimming the reviews. No big deal, right? Okay, I'm in denial. Not only this, I have two books by Squires in the TBR pile. That's right. I've never read Squires. What if I don't like Squires? I will now have 4 books by her. Crazy. That's what I am.

Undead and Unreturnable was an easy choice except for the hit to the bank account. I loved the last book in this series and I am hoping that Davidson was able to keep up the magic. The others in the series are good but there was no meat. *fingers crossed* Here I can proudly announce that I am not buying the second book in her Royal series because the first one was such a mess and I know I read somewhere that the mess continues. So, not quite a fangirl because if I was, I wouldn't be able to resisit.

Anne Gracie. I've read Anne Gracie and really enjoyed one of her books. It was *this* close to being a keeper but then, I don't like to be kept out of the bedroom. For more on that, this post here explains. So, Gracie goes on the do not buy list and I'm fine with that decision.

Now, I'm browsing on Amazon as I like to do and looked at the books it recommended for me. Anne Gracie's latest is high on the list. I'm thinking, 'Why in the world would this book be on my recommend list'. So I click on that little button that tells me why the book is being recommended to me. Passion by Lisa Valdez. Yes, I loved this book and it is extremely sexy so I am intrigued as to why Gracie would be recommended on the basis of enjoy a 'hot' book. These authors are so far apart in the sexual spectrum that it's impossible to understand the recommendation. Unless, the recommends are not so much about whose books you like as to the quality of the writing. I mean, Amazon has never had the gaul to recommend any of the current bestsellers to me (that's right, I consider many of the bestselling authors to write very simplistic stories and that they appeal to a common denominator in the reading population but I guess that should be a whole other blog).

Here's hoping these books show up tomorrow. It used to be that I could order a bunch of books and they would arrive on my doorstep two mornings later. Now, it can take upwards of a week. Some may suggest going to the local bookstore to buy these books but it is very rare for me to find the books I am looking for. I don't know how a bookstore can have close to 50' of retail space for romances and still not have the books I am looking for. Of course, Roberts, Krentz, Quick, Coulter and others take up a good half of that space.

I'm off to bed soon. It's 5am. Not happy. Hey, the daylight hours were a blast and I hope I can pull out of this tailspin I am in but the weekend is upon us and I don't have time to work on it. Too many people want to see us after the 9 months of nights and weekends we worked.

On Sunday night I will give it my all. I enjoy the daylight too much and with winter about to set in. I'm going to need all the help I can get ;)

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