Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Weird Rant

Okay, so my cold has decided to do a roundhouse kick to my head and I'm all whiny and crappy again. You've been warned.

Also, moved the pool guys back to next week when hopefully I will be the picture of health. One can hope.

As to the topic of this blog - connected books.

I've never been one to get on a bandwagon. I remember there were pins (now I never saw them but I heard about them and isn't that as good as factual information?) made up that said Waiting for Rothgar.

I didn't get it.

Well at the time I had never read Jo Beverly so this obsession for a particular character was new to me. Guess what book I read first when I decided to read Beverly? That's right, Rothgars'. Why, because I could. I hadn't waited through years of torture for this character but, everyone else thought that this guy's story was the be all and end all. I read the book and again, I didn't get it.

Ah, as a side point, and c'mon you knew this road was going to be scenic when you signed on, I'm not huge on Jo Beverly. Great writer, great stories, an author who probably stays so close in character it can be detrimental to the story (Rothgar was too cold for me, no passion but I understood from others that that was who he was. No hero for me. Give me some heat and give me a man with flaws. Perfection bores.). Where was I, oh, right. Beverly has me in her story up to the point where every character ends up before the King and Queen and is somehow forgiven for their supposed sins. In fairness, every story I have read has ended like this and again, I'm not keen on it. Anyways, let's see if I can get back on point.

Could happen.

Before the mid 90's I would go so far as to say I didn't wait for any particular character's book and I don't think most reader's of romance did either. Afterall, the story was about two people falling in love and the other characters were supporting cast. Now, I should mention that characters from previous books would sometimes get a walk on but, since I don't know most character's names by the time I end a book it would go over my head. Julie Garwood used to do this and I had no clue and trust me when I tell you I believed I was her number one fan. I just knew that suddenly an extremely happy couple would show up with a perfect bouncing baby and well, perfection. I would wonder why it was important for this couple to be there. Turns out, other fans knew. Me? Clueless. Yeah, I know, shocking!

I'm not sure when I started reading Suzanne Brockmann but, I believe it was with her second silhouette book. I loved this author and was excited whenever I saw a new book out by her. I considered myself quite a fan but apparently there are people who can outfan me. People were intrigued by glimpses of other men lurking about while I would be wrapped up in the main couple's story. I knew the books were connected but, who was Joe Cat vs .... crap, I don't remember names but, it wasn't something I worried about. I was just happy to have another book by the author.

Then Brockmann moved to single titles. Don't be getting ahead of me now! Just because you can see the station doesn't mean you can get off while we're still in motion ;)

The beginning of the never ending story. That's right, never ending! I got wrapped up in Sam and Alyssa's story because Sam was just such an ass and who do I love more? Asses. That's right, I like the flawed man.

Does it stop with them?


Max and Gina. My Achilles' heel.

Their story was released after 4 years of waiting. Four years. For a romance. No, I'm not talking about those Sci-fi books because I have never read them and yes, I know some of you have waited as many as 10 years for a book (please, I would have forgotten the story line 5 years out and probably decided the author had died before they wrote the book) but, c'mon! This was new to me. Guess what? Four years is a long time to wait for a story. Way too long. Especially for someone like me. Like I said before, I'm not one to notice the background characters so while others squealed with glee over other character's stories, I was pissed. Who the hell are these people? Where are Max and Gina?

Max and Gina showed up finally and to say I was happy with the result would be overstating the situation. Yes, the author gets to tell the story but, four years builds quite the expectation and in my opinion Max and Gina's story was not sufficient. At. All.

I'm not sure about others but, I have decided to take a break from Brockmann. ( Okay, weird aside, but apparently she's decided she needs a break. Well, let me tell you! I decided to take a break before she decided to take a break. That's right! I win!) I need to let her get ahead of me so that when I read about a character, I can go and get their book when I want to and not when the author and publisher decide I get to. (Okay, this last part sounds quite childish but remember I'm sniffing cold meds here and I'm feeling my inner child *snort*)

No more waiting for me!!

I'm free from the tethers that bound me to an author's will! I am able to read any book I want when I want! You want to dangle a character as bait? You won't get me!

Two words.

Dark Lover.

How do you love a book and hate the process that binds you to the author's will? I am so very pissed that I have been led on by another author only to discover that it will be ages before the book I want gets published. Ages. We're talking continental shifts will happen before I get my hands on this book.

So, where does that leave me?


That's right. Now I'm reading reviews looking for that little clue. You know the one. Words like brothers, clan, coven, secret society (two words, big deal), siblings. Shit, I'm thinking a street address in a book may become suspect! 'And there they all lived HEA 10 years from now, on Montgomery Lane'. No, uh-uh. Not doin' it. How, guarded am I? The last Pandora's Box at AAR mentioned the dreaded secret society and I was done.

Go ahead and write your connected books. You're not going to get me! I can wait years before I buy an author. Heck, it's been years since I bought a Nora Roberts' book because I couldn't remember where I had left off. And you know that's hurting her pocket book!!


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