Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Romance Book Week?

Hell, why not I say. Let's just celebrate romance books. I mean I was thinking about it. If I can have a Cindy week (and it normally involves lots of books) why can't we all just have a romance book week.

Sure, there are those fancy book clubs and Celebrate Romance but I'm not exactly the 'have book, will travel' type of gal. So let's see if we can do a few romance book meme's. I'm struggling over which of my books to pick up next because I have been extremely busy the last few days and I'm not sure I want to have to be away from a great book. (Does that make sense? No? Eh, I know what I mean ;))

Now, this is supposed to be fun! Rosario would have a blast going through all her spreadsheets to figure out which charcter she found the most charming. 'Cause Rosario is loopy ;) If you also enjoy tooling around on spreadsheets then knock yourself out! If all you can think of are books from the last few months then, what the hell, throw them out there in your answers. It's fluid. I won't write this down and have it carved in stone...anywhere you might see.

So we'll start easy.

1. Name your all-time favourite male character. Here's the deal, give us the reasons why he is your ATF. You can even quote parts of the book that made you love him. If you can't keep it to just one, then list the ones you want but the deal is you have to tell us all why.

(I'm hoping we will find characters from other readers who intrigue us enough to read their books. I do not like men who can't have a serious conversation because everything is fun and a lark even when everyone is in danger. Other people find them charming (mind you I loved Rupert from Mr. Impossible but the man was serious at all the right moments) whereas, I find them infuriating. Eg. Jo Beverly's My Lady Notorious had Cyn Mallory who I don't think had one serious moment in the entire book. I found him to be a clown. Not. Attractive. )

2. What is your favourite setting? Historical / Contemporary or otherwise. Why? What draws you in?

3. What trait in a hero can you not abide? Think more in line with personality or even speech. Most women don't like men who treat their women like crap and then all is forgiven in the end so we don't need to beat that drum ;). My example above of a person never being able to act serious for even a moment is an example of what I mean.

4. Who's your favourite heroine of all time? Same rules apply as above. What makes them special or a stand out to you.

5. What is your favourite genre? Have you analyzed why it is your favourite? Do you care?

6. What genre do you dislike the most? What is it that grates?

7. If you have ever read books from the genre you don't like is there at least one book from that genre that you could recommend?

All answers are welcomed in the comments but if you want to take it to your blog and even expand on it then please do! I have other questions floating around so I may put up more.

Damn, I said I would start easy but I'm already sweating question 4. So, for fun, answer the ones you want and say 'none of your business' on the ones that scare you.

Do I have to answer these if I came up with the questions?

Oh good. It's grand not to be on the homework end of these blogs.


Samantha said...

I just recently really got into the romance genre around Dec. or so. So... yeah. Anyway,

1. Ren Gage, from "Breathing Room" He's a famous actor known for always playing the villain in his movies. Ren pretty much made the book for me. What I liked about his character was that he knew how to have fun as well as be serious. His many disguises in the book were great and he had a good sense of humor. Plus he could cook.

2. I switch back and forth. I can't stay in one genre for too long otherwise I start getting bored. I like contemporary romances because they tend to have a lighter air about them and I like historical romances for the different atmospheres and thoughts on what was proper etc.

3. I can't stand it when the hero constantly complains that the heroine is too good for him and he puts her up on a pedestal. Because she's an angel and can do no wrong and he's a low down dirty dog who doesn't deserve to tread on the same ground as her, yada yada yada. It gets old and you know that one day the heroine's going to make a common mistake and break her neck from falling off that pedestal.

4. Tara Cole from "Revenge Gifts." She runs a company that specializes in revenge. From chainmail laced boxes for that cheating boyfriend who has to pass through metal dectors to a daily supply of chocolates delivered anon. to that annoying co-worker who you know can't resist eating them. Tara has a wicked sense of humor and I loved her attitude and outlook on the things going on in her life.

5. skipping

6. Are the secret baby/ baby romance books a genre? I just don't like kids all that much in books. They annoy me.

7. no, never read a book from the baby gen. I don't think I'll ever feel the urge to either. I just can't see the attraction to those books.

CindyS said...

Keishon, I can't wait to read your responses because you have such a different take on romance IN A GOOD WAY!!!!

Samantha - welcome to romance reading ;)

1. - don't know Breathing Room so I am going to write that one down.

2. I read almost everything except futuristic - I'll have to think on it more.

3. I used to love those kind of heroes because they seemed so tortured but I finally saw Walk the Line tonight about Johnny Cash and June Carter and this was a guy who just loved a woman and didn't care if he was good enough - he just kept asking her to love him. Loved it! Side Bar: Joaquinn was robbed!!

4. See, it's working already. I need, need, need to get a copy of Revenge Gifts now. It sounds great!

Secret Babies - you have a soulmate in me ;)


Suisan said...

You know the little aliens in the Toy Story movies who all stand in a group and say, "ooooOOOOO000OOOOooo"?

OK, that's me.

I like this meme/blog/questionaire thing.

Copied it out and doing much deep thinking tonight. Hopeful that I will blog tomorrow

Rosario said...

Hey! Who ya calling loopy? Hmmm, I'm now thinking I may have to start rating hero and heroine for charmingness ;-)

Great questions, btw! I'm going to have to think for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Done! I had to stop and think about some of these. And use my spreadsheet -- which is a slightly modified version of the one Rosarion posted earlier this year on her website :)

Anonymous said...

D'oh! Rosario, not Rosarion. Sorry about that!

ag said...

ooh, I love such memes. Thanks for starting the conversation. Let's see ...

1. All-time favourite male character: any limts? if no, then my choice would be David de Abyndon (Madeline Hunter's central character in her medievals), Nick Gentry (Lisa Kleypas' hero in Worth Any Price). There're more but these are my ab faves.

2. Favourite setting? Historical, or medieval. Because I'm a history buff.

3. Undesirable trait in a hero: definitely wimpiness .

4. Favourite heroine of all time: Again, if I can only name one it'll be Penelope Featherington aka Lady Whistledown.

5. Favourite genre: do I have to pick one? If yes, then it's historical, but I do like contemporary every now and then.

Will analyse and take the rest on my next post. And I would love to hear yours, Cindy. Next post? ;)

ReneeW said...

Great questions! It'll keep me busy thinking for hours *oh, my brain*. I'll post this weekend.