Friday, December 02, 2005

For Renee

Cody sends his sincerest apologies. Followed by lots of doggie kisses and slobber. You have to admit though - he has great taste!


ReneeW said...

OMG Cindy I'm laughing my ass off, I almost choked when I saw this. I really wasn't offended at all. I just thought it was kind of appropriate ("shreds of white" when the title of the book contained the word "snow"). The book was yours to with as you please. From the picture, Cody's expression said to me "Uh-oh, Busted!". I'm a softy for doggie kisses (with slobber) so tell Cody he's forgiven. And you too of course, we're still twins/friends. The picture of the rose was a PERFECT touch. I love flowers. You know how to grovel. :)

CindyS said...

Might explain why I love a good grovel scene!

All the books that have come into the house since the reno stage are on my kitchen counter. Bob keeps giving this look that says 'put your crap away' and I say, do you really want to have to buy me all new books when the reno is done, because I'm okay with that ;)

Oh and Cody is a suck to the worst extreme. I always warn the groomer about Rocky because he is a yelper. You can just look at him funny and he will yelp - funny dog. When I get back, the groomer says, you've got to be kidding. Cody is the biggest suck I have ever met! Cody will bark if you even say Rocky's name. Cody also has these eyes and he'll get really close to you and then put his paw in the air. He barely breaths and waits for you to acknowledge him. It's funny how they have real personalities!


ReneeW said...

I really want another dog but Bob says no and I see where he's coming from. Our last dog lived to be 17 years and his last 10 years he was blind. He had some kind of genetic eye condition where his body was rejecting his tears making his eyes red and goopy. So twice a day for 10 years he had to have special drops and ointment to make him comfortable but nothing could reverse the blindness. So he was very high maintainence. He was a very happy dog in spite of that. He would run into doors and fall down stairs if you didn't keep a close watch on him and had to have a leash on him at all times so you could grab him from taking a tumble. At the end he slowly just gave up on everything and didn't move for a full 24 hours and I knew it was time. This happened two years ago at this time of year and it still makes me a bit sad. But I love my cat, even though she is a real pain sometimes. I know I'll get another dog sometime but I'll have to talk Bob into it.