Yes, interior design is one of my passions and going to a place with specialty stone tiles makes me squeee.
Course, I'll work hard on my breathing cause of the anxiety monkey that has been playing on my back lately. Weird monkey.
I finished my first book for the year!!! Yay baby!!
Heart of Stone by Diane Palmer
I'll do a Cindy write up next go but Sybil, if you are watching, it's not exactly the Palmer we know and love. More when I do my *announcer voice* opinion piece. *end of announcer*
Also, to you all Google readers or other platform readers, I'll apologize right now. I'm going to be re-tagging entries and trying to clean things up a bit. I have no consistency with tags and things are every where!!
Like in my house.
Bookwormom did you all in. Yes she did, she asked for pics!
I give you the before and almost after pics of our living room.
I took this picture the day we moved in so I would have befores and afters.
Cause I never know what Bob will tackle next!
Lookit that sad fireplace. It's brick painted white. Pathetic. Also, the fireplace is not centered in the room. Unusually bad for Aries (Bob) not so much for us lazy Virgos.
And yes, I left that colour on the wall for three years.
I'm a saint.
Okay, lazy.
In order to center the fireplace in the room Bob made the whole thing bigger but you can't move the fireplace. So he created a wood box on the side and because the picture above is centered on the mantle, it gives the illusion of center.
At least, that's how I'm explaining it.
Okay, now just a few overall pictures of the room.
Should mention that we are going back and forth on whether to stain or paint it white. Eventually we will finish the hardwood floors and they will be dark. My furniture is on the darker side also so I think it might get too dark.
This is almost from the same spot I took the above picture. The room is so long that we've had trouble placing the furniture for years. This is the one I like the best although you look at the back of the couch when you walk in the door.
You may be trying to figure out what's wrong but you see my man Bob didn't want to see a rod across the top of the window and since we don't plan on ever closing the drapes, he mounted them on either side of the window with two separate rods.
Things to note, my coffee table is way too small. The carpet is way too small and busy - it worked in our last home to make our smaller living room cozy.
But hey, you do changes as you can afford them.
Like I said, this room is a challenge and it can be worked with if we get a sofa table but once we do that the room goes off center again.
Fun, no?
Okay, that's if for now.
Cheering was not necessary.
Off to see if I can watch Battlestar Galactica before Bob wakes up and the breakfast/Toronto trip begins!
Edited: You can click on the pictures to blow them up and see the nitty gritty. Be kind.
OMG, I'm coming to your house this summer!! It looks just lovely!! Love the drapes, color schemes and mantle... and you mean that before Bob renovated, the mantle wasn't centered in the room/wall? How dumb!
I don't think that if you're simply re-tagging, the posts will show up on google reader. As long as you don't change the date it was posted, then you won't be inundating us :P
Oh and yay on finishing a book!!!
I love Bob's trick w/ the fireplace! The new color you guys chose is much more soothing than the old one, I think. In our apartment the back of the couch is seen from the door, but I've partially hidden it with a big plant & a floor lamp. Not enough to hide the whole thing, but it's better than before. Have you considered one of those long narrow tables specifically for behind the sofa? Or will that mess up the the floorplan?
What are your plans with the tile?
I especially love the drapes and the chairs in the seating area. :o)
And you get a gold star for keeping the pink that long. LOL
I'm chiming in with how clever Bob was with the fire place. Looks like a great room to read in. Ya done good.
I iz here! I noticed lime has a review on tgtbtu about the book she no likey and she is a huge palmer whore.
Might be why I didn't run out and get it.
I look forward to your write up ;)
so when do I see pictures of my room *g*
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