I had guests this weekend and knowing in advance that Nath was allergic to cats I washed down the book room, washed the bedding and closed the bedroom door.
That was Wednesday night.
Nath left Sunday at 3:30pm.
And this was taken at 5pm.
Once upon a time you would trip over Amber right at the door but now that she is blind she's not aware of closed doors. She only knows a door is closed if Bob or I are on the other side. Then there is some crying to let us know she wants in NOW.
Anyways, Kristie is safely home and Nath I think is still on the train. She'll e-mail me when she gets in.
And with that, I'll sign off after a wonderful weekend. I'll post a few pics later but I know Nath has many and she might want to put them up on her blog.
Oh! And Nath and Kristie taught me a few things about the sidebars so hopefully I can put up some books in the sidebar like 'Keepers' 'Currently Reading' etc.
Update: Lea has posted pics and re-counted the day. The first two pics were taken by Bob and he was trying to get the 'Chapters' sign in the picture which explains why we look like ants ;) Go here for a visit.
Update 2: Nath has made it home with all her books intact! So everyone is snug as a bug in their own homes. I will now sign off and fall into my sleep coma.
Hi Cindy!
Great picture, your kitty looks very happy now. lol
I posted pictures at my blog already.
Thank you so much again for your hospitality.
I'm soooo sorry Emma!
LOL :) very cute picture and she looks very, very comfy! I now feel so bad!
I had a great time as well! You can go ahead and post pictures... I don't have that many :(
I'll take a pic of my new books soon :)
Nath - don't feel bad at all!! Did you see the rest of the house she could have laid her princess fur on? I just thought it was so funny. We did predict it though didn't we ;)
LOL - my cats were the same! I don't think that Nath was out the door for one minute before they made their way in the room.
I had a wonderful time with everyone and was sorry when I had to head home.
Hi Cindy
I miss you & Bob & the bloggers already. I told my hubby how nice Bob was taking us around to the different bookstores. All I got was "oh Yeah?". thanks again for everything especially the laughs & the hugs. Can't wait to see you again.
Lea - great pics! Too bad Bob still didn't manage to get the sign in ;) Looking forward to seeing you again!
Kristie - it's a good think we love the furry critters or we'd be in trouble! Even though the weekend is over and I'm a touch blue I know we'll all see each other again. Too much fun was had!
Mary - your poor hubby! He was probably wondering who the wise guy was who chaperoned his wife all day ;) We'll definitely get together again! Thanks for coming my way - lets me be part of the group!
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