I'm late!
Good reasons though, I was having fun and that's what Cindy Week is all about.
Now, I started Birthday week last week on Tuesday night. Why do I say this? I bought myself a two pieces or art (not like real art but things you hang on the wall) and I don't normally buy myself stuff like that so I declared it the beginning of Birthday week. Tuesday to Tuesday.
Tonight Bob says he thinks Birthday week should really be the week the birthday falls on so last Tuesday through Sat shouldn't count.
I'm in.
Seriously, my man spoils the hell out of me!
But enough about me, it's about YOU! Who gets to have a Birthday Week today?
Thank you to all those who 'played' and it's good to know some people still love a good paranormal.
I'm going to make you watch the video - Bob picks the two winners (poor sleepy monkey).
Did you watch the video?
To the two ladies who won, where would you like your gift certificate from? I happen to know both ladies are Canadian which leaves me with Chapters or Amazon.ca but maybe there is another bookstore online.
E-mail me - rsmith41 at cogeco dot ca
Thank you all for my birthday wishes. It was wonderful to get up on my birthday *cough*4pm*cough* and see that people were thinking of me.
I'll re-cap this last week later. Bob's been off since Thursday and tomorrow is his last day off and we have grand plans for tomorrow. Well, grand plans if you're me ;)
OMG, get this, tonight I told Bob while with my family that I was going to get really skinny and become a clothes horse.
Bob: A what?
Me: Clothes horse
My Mom: It is kind of an odd phrase to use isn't it.
Bob: You're not a horse! *Poor guy thought I was talking about my weight - usually I use 'cow' as my descriptor*
Me: A clothes horse is someone who buys tons and tons of clothes (my definition) and I need a new goal.
Bob: *wheels turning* So I'm a Home Depot horse.
Me: No, you're a Home Depot Ho.
*family is all laughing*
Bob: So you're a book ho?
Me: No, I'm a bookworm. Wait. Why do we call people who love to read bookworms? I need to google this stuff.
Mom: They ('they') used to get worms in the cover of books.
*dead silence*
And being the family of thought train engineers that we are, we veered off onto another subject altogether.
If you made it this far and that damn video didn't load or co-operate the winners are Nath and Mary G!!
Sneaky I am.
Okay, seriously the freeze frame for the video is cracking me up. Bob looks terrified of what could be in the bowl.
Yep, he clearly looks terrified for his fingers :-D
OMG That's such a cool video. What a fun way to draw names. Thanks so much & tell Bob thanks for pulling my name. WTG Nath - Let's go shopping!!
Wooohooo!! Finally, Bob found my name in that bowl!! Good job, Bob!!
LOL, thank you sooo much Cindy for hosting the b-day week :) You're awesome!!
Congrats to Mary as well :) LOL, yes, let's go!! :)
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