Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Just wanted to show you a picture of one of our icicles.

Notice how it's hanging above the front door.

I keep picturing it breaking off, going through the roof and impaling me as I'm trying to get the groceries into the house.

And it's snowing again right now.

I woke up about 2 hours ago after a few hours sleep so I'm heading back up to 'nap' - by this I mean I'm going to try and not psyche myself out and over think the fact that I *should* be sleeping.

We're going out to dinner with a bunch of peeps for my Best Friend's Birthday. So proper sleep is greatly needed!

Okay, next post should be on the books I bought.


nath said...

Wow, those are big icicles!! but I don't you need to worry, I doubt they'll make it through the roof... Thunder, yes, but icicles? No :P Now, if there wasn't that roof, I'd be a bit worry...

why don't you break it? Think of how fun it could be...

and snow, ugh. I hope we don't get any!

~ames~ said...

Happy birthday to your best friend!

We don't get icicles like that around here. They stay small.

Kat said...

Those are pretty! (Says she who is sweltering in 40-degree weather.) We're luck to get slush during winter around here.

CindyS said...

Nath - Oh, I have a few huge ones around the house and I keep thinking about going around with a long stick and breaking them off. Only I see them flying downwards and well, impaling me ;) Don't poke the bear!

Ames - I don't think our house is properly insulated and we're losing heat out the roof so it melts the snow and voila! I took pictures this year because we have to insulate our attic - it's probably costing us a fortune.

So small icicles are a good thing. Means your insulation is working and you're not paying more in natural gas fees. Ugh.

Kat O+ - I envy you your hot weather - I imagine from the word 'sweltering' it's not a dry heat ;) I like dry and hot. But I have to admit, if it has to be winter, I want to see tons of snow and lots of icicles and this year I'm getting it all in large doses.


nath said...

LOL, Cindy! You can try practicing your aim and breaking it off with snowballs :) You get some exercise and you're far away :D

Dev said...

My first thought was about being impaled also. Great minds, and all that.

Have a great time with your friends today!

Kristie (J) said...

Whoa! That's one monster icicle!! Pretty though.
And it think if I have to brush snow off the car one more time.......

LinnieGayl said...

Those are scary icicles.