Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Currently Reading

I am reading Anne Stuart's Ice Blue.

I know, I'm so predictable!

Bob's now in Montreal on business and I'm going to try and get to bed - I don't sleep well when Bob's not home, especially at night. It's 2:30am already so I'm definitely screwing up my friggin clock!!

Ah, well.

So far, I only have a slight cough and it's nothing compared to what I know Bob is going through and I do feel bad for him. I get really whiny when I am sick and I am shocked that I have managed to keep this one at bay! Still, poor guy.

Other than that, all is well except I think I may have just been bit by the painting bug. I found some old pictures of our home on a disc that I had forgot we had. I saw our kitchen (which I miss horribly) and the colour on the walls and I realized that even though the colour was far from beige (grey/purple) it was also like a neutral. So, if I paint similar colours here it's okay. I just have to stop worrying that I'm going to put up a colour from the old house and then get sick of it. It's not like I like the colours on our new walls (the living room has a weird burgandy and I'm so over burgandy on walls!!). If I at least put colours up I like then I'm one step further than I am right now. Walking into rooms and not able to relax cause all I can think about is the fact that the walls need to be painted! I figure if I really mess up, I can paint again.

Also, the fact that we don't plan on moving again frees me to do whatever I want and it's okay if it's to my taste (with the reno homes we paint strictly neutral colours and I have forgotten how to put colour in a home!!). I don't think I'm an odd duck as one of my TV shows had a designer on who told us to stop being afraid of colour. I just can't believe that when I go to pick colours I naturally go towards the more purple/greys. I keep thinking I'll move on but nope, I love my purply colours.

I think I may go to Home Depot by myself which is a totally different experience - I last about 5 minutes before the hives break out and I bolt from the store. As long as it isn't raining I think I'll dash into the store to look over the colour chips.

Picking the colour is the easy part.

It's the painting that can be a pain!

I'll post before and after pics if I get around to it.

Until then, what are you reading right now? Are you enjoying it or are you thinking of putting the book down and never picking it up again?

Right now, I'm plum tickled with the book I'm reading ;)


Kat said...

What a coincidence, I'm reading Anne Stuart's Black Ice. :-) I tried it last year and couldn't get past the first chapter. I'm not sure why because I'm totally enjoying it now!

Hmm, there's something about romance readers and the colour purple...

Megan Frampton said...

I'm about to start choosing colors for the first time. I always tend towards sage green.
What I know for sure is that there will be no white walls in my new house (well, new to me; it's about a hundred years old). I have had it with apartment living and white walls.

I just sent Cold As Ice to my mom, we'll see if she likes it. I didn't love it nearly as well as Black Ice. She can't have that one (I had an extra CAI).

Go to bed!

~ames~ said...

I love me some purple too! I'm planning on painting my bedroom purple this spring/summer. I know I said I wouldn't paint ever again, but it looks like I'm going to be living at home for a few more years yet.

I hope a cough is all you get and that it doesn't progress to something worse. :P

I just finished an excellent book last night, and not sure what to read next. :( It has to be from my list of 50.

Rosie said...

Cindy I just enjoyed myself reading through the posts I've missed while on vacation. You are a hoot to be sure. Hope you enjoy the Anne Stuart, I sure did. I lived in Japan when I was in Jr High School (military brat) so I think having part of the book set there and the hero being Japanese was fabulous.

C2 said...

The walls in the main part of my house are something like "Island Orchid" or whatever...a lovely, light purple. To blend with my plum sofas. I like purple, too. Can you tell? :o)

The rest of the house is done in assorted pastel (no yellow or peach, though). I live in an Easter seasonal of me. LOL

BTW, Ames' icon is scaring me! ;-)

nath said...

Hey Cindy!

Hope you enjoy Blue Ice! I was a tiny bit disappointed with it... but then, I didn't read Black Ice or Cold Ice yet... Hope Bob enjoys his business trip, although unlucky him, the weather is crap ^^;

As for painting, it's really not that bad - and I know what I'm talking about :P Start with small rooms with little furniture :P