Sunday, December 18, 2005

I Think I Broke It

Just a quick post to tell you that for some reason I cannot nap.

Has the earth stopped spinning? Are pigs flying? Is Hell frigid?

I was on the bed for an hour and a half and then realized that sleeping was probably not in the picture. I'm tired but for some reason, my body has decided napping is out!

Yesterday my best bud came up with her adorable son so I was up at Noon when I didn't have to up until 1:30pm but my eyes opened and I knew it was over. So I got some quick running around done before she showed up.

Then we spent the rest of the day gabbing and putting on winter clothes to go out and play in the snow. Haven't been outside like that in ages. I was getting tired around 7:30 and she left around then.

I watched The Island which I thoroughly enjoyed because sci-fi anything (okay, not anything!) is pretty much guaranteed to make me happy. I went to bed at 1 am and think I was out a 1/2 hour later.

I woke up at 8:30 am.

The dogs started barking the minute they saw me because on the old schedule, I would get up around 2 - 3 pm and the first thing I do is feed the dogs. Poor things didn't know it wasn't dinner time.

Bob and I went to breakfast which was a nice treat and then to Home Depot which wasn't a real treat. Sears followed with a purchase of a new washer and dryer which will show up here on the 23rd between noon and 5pm. I just kept looking at Bob waiting for him to realize that that was the day we are going to his parents. Didn't occur to him and then when I filled him in he suggested I get up at 6 am and we can be back in time for the delivery.

I give up.

We then traveled to my cousin's house and gave her her birthday present. This is Aunt Nora's first time hosting Christmas and when I got there she declared she was on break. I started laughing and told her that maybe she wanted to host Christmas for a few years before I stepped up. She said, 'No way, you get Christmas next year.' Apparently my mother is as happy as a lark. It's probably the first time in almost 20 years where she doesn't have to host. My dad wouldn't hear of it being held somewhere else but Aunt Nora and I finally got the gumption up to approach the subject last year. Apparently Dad got told. So we get Christmas and I think Mom may announce she is retiring from hosting. Ugh. What did we get ourselves into!!

We're going to my parents at 7 pm tonight to see their decorations and stuff. We're going to a bookstore first because I am worried I'm just going to drop somewhere and snooze. Maybe it won't happen in a bookstore. I decided to go to my parent's at night because I figured I would be sleeping in the afternoon. Nope. Now I am worried I will fall asleep at their house!

I'm such a nut.


Megan Frampton said...

You know, my grandmother used to keep your schedule--she'd rise around 11 or 12, take two hours to do her makeup and wake up and stuff, then stay up until about 2 or 3 in the morning, watching C-SPAN and getting outraged at the politicians.
I loved that woman.
She had a thyroid problem that made it hard for her to wake up.
ANyway, is it better to be on a more traditional schedule with the holidays approaching?

Anonymous said...

We always host and were planning on doing so this year but my uncle is an asshole and mucked up the plans (long story - more family drama) so we'll be at my poor 70 year old aunt's house instead. (She doesn't mind, and she's rather spry for 70, but still. Asshole.)

Hope your holiday is less drama-filled!

CindyS said...

Megan - so far I am *loving* being up during the day. Especially at this time of year. I got so much done today I think I may have finished my shopping 'to do' list. There's still those pesky craft projects looming. The things I think I am capable of ;) My sleep is definitely affected by my anxiety and the med I take for them. The med's side effects have can be sleepiness and TA DA - weight gain. So I can go for about 8 hrs and then normally need to lie down for a bit.

With it being Christmas there is so much to do that I don't have time for that afternoon lull that Bob says everyone has but that I normally listen to. If I get tired I go lie down. So anytime can be nap time.

I am quite self-conscious about it in the real world so I do get anxious usually at this time of year. It's the first time in years that I have been on daylight time. It's quite fun! Problem is that during the normal time of year I can't be out spending wads of cash. At least I can get out and spend money this time of year ;)

Jay - I swear men can be a real problem. Bob has two jobs for Christmas - buy my gifts and wrap them. Other than that, Bob doesn't have a clue what *he* gives people as gifts. It's all me ;) Hope you can salvage the day.
