Friday, December 23, 2005

Winding Down

I am trying to get myself relaxed before heading into bed. So I don't think there will be any pics or anything fancy going on here because that takes some time.

First: A Rant - Should mention that this can turn into the ravings of lunatic. Forewarned, forearmed.

So, you may have seen a few references to how sick Bob and I got last year and because of that, I have become very strident in protecting our health. Not only am I protecting Bob and I but I tell people before they visit if Bob and I are getting over colds or some such. One of my friends is so grateful that I do this as she usually cancels because she doesn't want her 2 year old to get sick.

Now, I'm not a hypochodriac but I may be a bit of a germ phobe. I don't wear masks or anything but I do wash my hands continually and will only allow the kids to kiss my on the cheek. Also, I now carry around hand sanitizer in my purse so that before I eat something out at a food court I can wash my hands before I touch my food. Also, when you do take out and are going to eat in the car, you have no way to clean your hands so we use Purell to clean them. So far, so good. *knocks on wood*

So what does my dumbass best friend do today!?

She allows a parent to drop their sick kid off at her house (I would not be pissed if it was a cold or something but no, it was a stomach virus because he was throwing up - I hate throwing up!). Her upset was that she felt sorry for the boy because the parents wouldn't stay home with him. Guess what, they might have had to stay home with him if you hadn't said you would take him. She mentions how she won't tell her husband about it because he will freak. Mark is a lot like me and gets sick fairly easy so I wouldn't blame him for being pissed. She said she lysoled everything before he came and will lysol everything after he leaves and that she told the kids they weren't allowed to touch each other. Yeah, that should work. NOT!! Anyways, if the child had a stomach virus it could incubate for 3-7 days which means they would be contagious for that long. So now I don't want to go to their house on Christmas Eve to give the kids their gifts. I told Bob that I hear of any of them getting sick I will drop their gifts at the door and see them in the New Year. I can't believe she would play Russian roulette with her children's and her families health 3 days before Christmas.

This would lead into the rant about how sick people, instead of taking sick days will go to work and hack all over their co-workers! We are positive that Bob and I got sick because of a guy in his office who came into work looking like he was on the verve of death and hacked and coughed and in general caused everyone else in the company to get sick. Ridiculous! Keep your nasty self at home!! Apparently, it happens every year at the same time because he goes to some Football finale and gets royally drunk for about 4 days straight. Then he comes back from this trip completely wiped out and obviously his immune system is down. So this year, Bob forced the issue with his boss saying that either so an so had to stay home for two days after his weekend or Bob was going to call in sick for those two days. Yeah, we've become the keepers of our own health ;)

So, if you are one of those people who will go in the office when you are sick because it doesn't matter where you are so you might as well get paid. Knock that shit off!!



I have finished wrapping almost all the gifts but the ones I have left are the crafty kind so I am going to start on the big one tomorrow. Knowing that the gifts are wrapped and sorted according to family groupings makes it easier to get some fun stuff done.

I have signed all the family cards and stuffed them with their lotto treats.

I dis-infected our mattress because a cat threw up (luckily just a little) and cleaned the sheets and the duvet. It takes 3 hours for me to dry our kingsize duvet. We get the new washer dryer tomorrow. Squeee.

I dusted and disinfected (where the cat was sick) the bedroom furniture.

I washed and made up the middle room bed.

I vacuumed the carpets but the hardwood floors still will need some good vacuuming.

I filled the dishwasher with the dishes from all over the house.

I moved all the excess bags of dry goods into the *new* pantry downstairs. (I always forget it's there because we've only had it for a while so it struck me today that the grocery bags of chips and the bag of cat and dog treats did not have to sit on my counter until Christmas day because I could put them in the pantry! Yeah for me because I used to have to store stuff on the counter and I don't have that kind of space.

Okay, I think that is all I got done and I am sufficiently tired enough to fall into bed now.

If you are signing off for the next couple of days, Have a safe and healthy Holiday Season!!

I'll be here for the most part but I don't know if I can post Christmas day.

Other than that, I'll be holding down the fort.

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