You Should Get a PhD in Science (like chemistry, math, or engineering) |
![]() You're both smart and innovative when it comes to ideas. Maybe you'll find a cure for cancer - or develop the latest underground drug. |
First a big thank you to Jay for once again pointing me in the right direction. I have now figured out how to get these quiz things to post on my blog. Oh, yeah. You can thank Jay. I think it's funny that this quiz came out with this because I am way too lazy to find a cure for dry skin let alone cancer. As for an underground drug? Do we really need another one?
Also, a big thank you to Renee for reminding me that in order to alphabetize your favourites you have to do it from windows. Not IE. Because, you know, it can't be that easy. And Nicole was right. The restore made it so my favs were alphabetized. I don't get how that can change but, it does. Now I know how to fix it. Until 6 months from now when I won't remember and be forced to ask again. Cause I'm lazy.
I'm not reading enough. Then again, I'm not cleaning enough, cooking enough, getting out in the fresh air enough or socializing enough. It's actually at the point where I won't go see anyone because I don't want to inflict myself on anyone. Yeah, how's that for healthy thinking!
I keep telling myself it's because I am overwhelmed but, DUDE, seriously, can I really be this overwhelmed!? The good news is I am still showering. That's got to count for something. Right?
I think we need a dumpster.
Our house was fine for years but at the ten year mark everything exploded out of the closets and now crap is everywhere. Okay, I'm not as bad as some of those people on TV but, I need permanent places for some of this stuff!
I have all this scrapbook stuff and *whispers desperately like the kid in Sixth Sense* I don't scrapbook!! It's an illness I tell you. I got a special tote for well, toting stuff around and a special file thing for filing coloured paper and then I got this embossing kit which even my scrapbooking friends shrugged at!! I don't have enough space in my hall closet for coats let alone a square meter of scrapbook stuff.
You know what happened this weekend!? Bob, bless his heart, rearranged my library!! He dusted and cleaned all the shelves with Murphy's Oil Soap and it is beautiful again. He said all bashful like 'I didn't put the books back in any order, I figured you'd want to do that.'
I frenched him.
The whole alphabetical thing was throwing me off and now everything is all messed up again and it feels like home! I'm grateful for sure but, I'm pissed at myself because I couldn't get the energy up to do it myself. (He even bought a cute little space heater because it is the coldest place in the house - am I spoiled or what!?)
So things are going to have to get done over the next few days or I will enter into a funk that will cause one hell of a meltdown. I hate when you know it's coming.
First, I have picked Pamela Clare's Ride the Fire to read because Kristie is gushing and I need to know why. Good news is it will fulfill my 'new to me' TBR challenge over at Angie's.
Second, I put my votes in for the AAR Reader's Picks because I was causing myself all sorts of stress trying to find all my 2005 books to read. I figure if I haven't read it yet, then it's going to be a while before I get to it. Good news is it actually felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. My problem is that I voted wrong for the 'most disappointing'. I've been blocking Max and Gina's book from my mind so well that I didn't put it up for this one and if you've been here for a bit you know I totally lied about 'most disappointing' read. Unintentionally, but, ooops.
I have no third which makes me wonder why I write the way I do. I'm also worried I have 'exclamation pointed' this particular blog to death but, I'm freaking out!
Did I mention the 40 zits I have on my face? I haven't had acne this bad since I was 17. I don't know whether it's the stress of the last few weeks (have I told you all about that - nothing big, just regular shit that I should be used to by now) or if my skin is now changing. It's gross. I keep washing my face but the grease just floats to the top. Ugh.
Oh, and I have been taking 2 peppermint oil pills when I wake up to help with the extremely gidgey tummy I have been having. Normally I only take one a day and it keeps my stomach fairly tame. Bob's illness of last week probably caused 'hysteria tummy' - extremely upset everytime I eat anything so I decided to up the peppermint. I don't know if you know this but peppermint is also an appetite suppressant. Now, I've never noticed this before but, egads, I am all kinds of nauseous. And full. Extremely full.
On that note, I should say that I take peppermint oil pills for what we think is IBS (could be just a dairy reaction although I was raised on milk and my mom says Billy and I drank her out of house and home) instead of taking a prescription only because I take something for my panic attacks and I figure that's enough weird chems wandering through the system. Other than that, I know nothing about the stuff so don't go running and buy a whole bunch to get thin. I'm a fatty and it don't work.
I've rambled on enough. Aren't you glad you stopped by? I'll try to be perkier tomorrow. Maybe some fun stuff for posting. Ohh, more quizzes because I'm a sucker for faint praise from my computer.
I took that test and it said I should get an MBA because I was a self-starter with lots of ambition. Eh, yeah. And I want to sit behind a desk?
Decided not to post results to the blog--I wonder how often that happens. I don't like my results *pout* so I'm not linking. *pout, pout*
I did it, too. And posted the results!
I can't believe you collect scrapbooking stuff and you don't scrapbook.
Ooooohhhh you're going to read Ride the Fire. I'll be looking to see how you like it. Renee is another big fan of the book. Just be thinking Last of the Mohicans.
And you do know though - that you are still on The List :)
Suisan - for the most part, these quizzes have yet to say I'm a slacker wanna-be with no talent. So, it's all good.
Megan - It's a sickness. I have tried to scrapbook but I can't even get a page done because I fiddle until it looks like something from a magazine. My friends came and they each did like 8 pages while I did a title page. I did the same thing with craft supplies. I always do things with good intentions and then I just don't finish. Like that huge cow hide in lipstick red I bought to make journals. I want to sell it on ebay but Bob saw it and he wanted to drap our couch in it. Uh, no.
Kristie - OMG you have a list!! I thought I was totally under the radar! I haven't been going to Bam's site to read her reviews because she was on a Kleypas kick and I have yet to read the ones she reviewed. Sad for me cause she's hilarious!
I see you are making me famous again by mentioning me in your blog ;) You're welcome, BTW. Always glad to help someone. I took that quiz but I got the same result as you (we're twins you know). I suppose a PhD in math would go with my Bachelors in math, but I'd rather jump off a building.
I voted in the AAR poll but now I'm kicking myself because I left Worst Romance blank and I thought of a book I want to put in that category. I see someone else already voted for it (it's that Elf book). But I see someone voted for Passion too and I want to cancel out their vote... too late now.
Renee: Elf - me. And I think a book has to be in double digits to still be on the ballot so it's not just you and I that hated that book.
Cindy: yep I have a list. I have you and Nicole and Karen S and I few others too. So I'm watchin'....yep I'm watchin'.
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