Friday, February 03, 2006

Update on Health

Bob has remained home all week and is possibly going to work this Friday morning depending on if his stomach continues to liquefy what he eats.

When Bob is home it is very rare for me to read. This time, I had a real hard time with everything because I did get an upset stomach there for a few hours but, nothing compared to what I thought would happen. I'm thinking it was my anxiety over the fact that I was going to get the stomach flu. I am so susceptible it is crazy. That said, it has been since Monday and I have not had the fever that Bob got and except for being really tired I have come out not bad.

Here's where I mention that I am eating such small amounts of food that it could be causing the tummy grumblies that are making me think I am sick.

Anyways, tonight, after eating a baked potato and 2 chicken strips I started to get worried that I would get sick. I decided to take one of those pills that keeps anxiety at bay. Luckily for me, that was exactly what the problem was because once I took that pill I calmed down greatly.

Bob just popped his head in the room because he needed to go to the bathroom and said that it looks like he is going to work tomorrow.

Thank God!!!

I got nothing done when Bob is home (well, except for all the laundry in the house) and I was really looking forward to reading a few books this past week.

I know people have that 'TGIF' thing but, for me, it'll be Monday that'll make me happy. Some alone time ;)

I am on night time hours again. What, I lasted a whole 4 days? I think I was just over tired and needed all those daytime naps this week.

Hey. It helped Bob to rest and that's all I have to say about that!!

On that note, I'm heading to bed. Hope this missive finds everyone well (Keishon - hope you are out of the woods and back to some good health).

Hopefully I will get some blog rounds done tomorrow as Blogger kept crashing on me and not letting me see other sites. Bastards.


Megan Frampton said...

I totally have that 'can't wait until Monday' thing too--school, work, me alone in the house. Bliss. I hope Bob feels better, and you stay healthy.

ReneeW said...

I swear, Cindy, sometimes I think your Bob and my Bob are on the same wavelength. My Bob came home sick on Tuesday with some kind of stomach virus. He stayed home from work Wednesday (something he NEVER does) and was miserable all day. Also, my daughter has been sick with a hacking cough. I'm surrounded!

When I asked him to help me in the kitchen to fix dinner last night he said "I don't want to give you my germs". Excuse me? I've been exposed big time already, babe. I feel fine now so I hope I didn't catch anything from either of them.

CindyS said...

Megan - we should have a 'Monday, Monday' posting for all of us who enjoy our routines!! I enjoy our weekends more in the summer but during the winter we don't get out enough and I start to get 'the cabin fever' monster!!!

ReneeW - I'm telling you, separated at birth these two are. Bob never stay home sick either! Last year he was so sick and would go to work but would only make it half a day. I was really worried but Bob didn't seem to be affected unless he left the house. Turns out he had had pneumonia the whole time!! I got it two weeks later. They say you can't catch pneumonia from someone but we had so much crap in the house that our immune systems were wrecked. Since then I am so conscious of our health that I'm over doing it. Bob stayed home for 4 days - never heard of before this past week. He went in today and feels like himself again. I'm not feeling bad but I think anxiety is nipping at my toes. I would have it by now though I would think. *praying, please God, please God, please God..*
