Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blog Block

Everything I have written in the last few days has turned out lame.

I think I have discovered the problem.

I have blog block.

Now, I'm not really sure it exists but, I'm sucking wind over here. Oh, sure, there was the brilliant follow-up to the epilogue post that was squashed horribly when I went to get the book I was talking about only to discover that it didn't have an epilogue. I was going to point out the good kind of epilogue and since I could only remember two I thought it was fine because they both illustrated a different point. Now, I only have one epilogue I can remember that was good and well, I guess it kinda makes it's own point.


Upcoming books? I don't have a clue. I don't even have a list! I'm trusting that they will jump off the shelf at me the next time I go to the bookstore. I know JR Ward should be out in the next few weeks and that Loretta Chase's next one will be out. Other than that, I don't have a clue. If I do have an idea of a book I would like to buy it is either by someone I have never heard of *screams of fear* or someone I have heard of and have 5 books of theirs that I have not read yet.

Oh, that brings up my new two book rule. If I haven't read an author's book and I have two at home then I cannot buy that new book.

Hey, it took me years to perfect this!!

I got lucky with Kleypas since I have like 9 of her books in the house. Also lucky with Julia Quinn although the first time I tried her I thought she wasn't for me. The last book of hers that I read did leave a bad taste in my mouth but I'm hoping it was a fluke. The character Colin was supposed to be charming but he was a jerk and very brutish. I didn't see anything of the character I had been led to believe he was.

Anyways, I'm obviously just rambling now and instead of being 'boo'ed of the stage I will leave with my dignity in tack.

Hey! Tomatoes!? You would throw tomatoes!?

I'm going to go and read something, so there.

Now, if only I could decide which frickin' book I want to read next!

I was actually writing a blog where you guys could pick the next book I should read (somebody gag Kristie! I'm saving *that* book and I'm not nearly in as bad a shape as I could be so, I'm not breaking that glass!) but then I decided it was lame because how can I possibly not pick a book?

I would suggest procrastination but I know that's not it. It's just fear that the book I will pick could be bad and also the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the good books I have laying around and need to be reading NOW! It's like trying to pick which piece of gold you would like to be made into a ring. They're just all so pretty and would make great rings.

Crap, I'm rambling again.

I'm a mess.

I do want to wish a certain someone a Happy Birthday - she knows who she is!


Kristie (J) said...

Don't you just hate bloggers block?? It's almost as bad a readers block.
I really disliked Colin in the Julia Quinn book too. I was iffy on her before then - but that one settled it. Now having said that, I did read the next one and have the one after that in my TBR pile - but after that - No More.
And as to the book we shall not name - you have until June. That month is "read a book someone recommended" month. If you don't read by then missy - I'm drivin' down the highway. You don't live that far away you know *evil grin* Because I can give you lots of titles to replace that one to hold on too. Whispers of Heaven for example

Anonymous said...

1. bloggers block is quite common. Personally, I'd rather not blog than subject yall to my insipid rambling (more than I already do).

2. The March releases are decidedly uninteresting. Good because maybe I can get a handle on my book buying; bad because April is a fun month with no less than 10 books that I want, so any damage control done in March will most likely be undone in April.

3. Totally do a "What next" post. I've found that theyre generally well received since everyone likes to talk about what they (dis?)liked. I usually end up not reading anything that's been recced but that's not the point ;)

4. Thank you!

Tara Marie said...

You can tell Jay reads mostly contemporaries, the March historical list looks great.

Don't feel bad, I'm going through a little reader block...nothing to read, of course, I've got about 100 books on my unofficial TBR pile, but none look good.

I never considered Colin "brutish", I guess it's all rather relative, the old bodice ripper heros were much more "brutish".

Whispers of Heaven is good, but Night in Eden is better *grin for Kristie*


Nicole said...

Jay, March looked much better to me than April did. Though April looks to be having some stellar books, too.

Anonymous said...

Haha, after I said that March was boring, I saw Tara's post. I think I stand by my original declaration (I really am a contemporary girl) but I am looking forward to the last in the Carroll series :)

ag said...

Cindy, I'm so thankful I'm oceans away. You better pick up THAT BOOK before ...

Hope you get out of that block soon :)

sybil said...

Oh, that brings up my new two book rule. If I haven't read an author's book and I have two at home then I cannot buy that new book.

I try that alllllll that time. Really it is a start rule.

Unlike Jay I think March looks fab, which sucks and you would think would help make me figure out what job to look for!