Saturday, February 11, 2006

Updating my Non-Life

Have I started to read the book for the TBR Challenge? Hell, have I read anything besides a drive-thru menu board in the last few days?


Have I cleaned out that closet of horror?


Have I had a nervous breakdown?


At least that's the good news. I hope it's the good news. We'll know after an hour with Bob.

Last night the whole debate on 'should we, shouldn't we' buy the dream house and make a huge move came into play - AGAIN!! I asked Bob if there was some kind of kickback he got from work if he put me in an institution. He said he had checked but, no. Ha. Ha.

So the circle of my life revolves around quit dates for Bob's job. Oh, and then there was the whole 'they're closing up shop. No, for real'. Three years later Bob is the boy that has cried wolf to too many people and no one listens anymore.

Except me because, like, I have this condition that causes me to have anxiety. So every time he picks a date to quit I get geared up and try and curve spending and well, *cue Oprah* we don't live our best life. Hey, maybe I am kidding myself and Bob's life is all chocolate and roses. I mean, I don't know what the hell is going on in his head lately. Even his ex-wife says she doesn't understand him anymore.

Maybe he is the one who needs a straight jacket. I may have to look into that.

End of circle tonight was that he has to move from this house this year because we have outgrown it.


We've been looking at houses for 10 years.

I'm sick to death of it. I'm starting to get a martyr complex because I just feel like saying 'fuck it' let's just fly by the seat of our pants and if we end up broke and out on the streets well, I'll know who to blame.

Yep, good stuff for the old marriage.

Sorry, I needed to vent and the friends I normally vent to are all busy with their own crap right now. (Aren't we all)

The February blahs are now in full swing.

You may want to avoid this place until March.


Suisan said...

Nah. I'm not planning on avoiding you while you go through this. Sorry.

Marital stress just sucks. I've been fighting with husband on and off for over week. About time spent at work, about whether I'm a good enough "family-manager," about finances. You name it, we've gone at it.

We moved into this house because husband insisted that he needed more space, and he wanted a lawn. I threw up my hands at the lawn. He has cut the grass 5 times in 3 years. (It dies in the summer and we get weeds in the rainy season.) Told me recently that the backyard looked terrible and I should make sure the kids used it more. Eh? But....

This stuff is tough. Good luck with it--you'll come through OK. ;)

CindyS said...

Awww, thanks Suisan for the support. I tell you, there are days where I feel like I am banging my head against a wall. Life took a 180 today and will blog about it. Seat of our pants indeed!!
