Monday, May 15, 2006

The Fit Hitting the Shan

Well, if you haven't been blog surfing then you have been missing some serious upsets. Also there was some action over at AAR and quite frankly, I'm wondering if we're all off our meds ;)

I'm PMS-ing in spades so I was ready to let loose with a real humdinger of a rant with lots of swearing to make a point but then I realized that the point may then get lost. I mean, I'm PMS-ing man. There is no sense to be made when I'm in this mode. Makes me wonder if other people are also PMS-ing and posting like there will be no tomorrow. *cough* MJD *cough*

So if you just want to avoid the whole meltdown then ... well, I'm not sure because for some reason I keep spewing out opinions myself. Bad Cindy. I think I need a new hobby.

You ready for my reading rant. I mean, I feel really bad that I'm wanting to throttle Kathy Love because it really isn't her fault that I keep going into her books expecting one thing only to be blindsided by something completely different.

I am *trying* to read Fangs for the Memories but the need to bang my head against a wall becomes overwhelming at times so, we're on a break. I'll pick it up again over the next day or so but, man, I think I must have a hate on for this poor author!

To back track it started with her last book in a trilogy where the reader got to meet the asshole hero during the two previous books and I was excited to see how Love would redeem him.

Head injury.

Can you say pissed? Let's just say I was an unhappy camper. Made me worry about what would happen if this guy got knocked in the head with a baseball.

So I heard about FFTM from Maili's blog and then from Jay. I went and read the excerpt and woohoo, an angsty vampire story! Just what I need to get the bad taste out of my mouth!

I start reading and savouring the dark dreary vampire and then WHAM!, where in the hell did that brick wall come from!? I'm ready for a dark meaty contemporary and the stupid vampire gets amnesia and he thinks he is who he was when he was changed. 200 years ago. Suddenly he's talking all historical and crap and I'm ready to throw the book against the wall.

If I can take a moment off my meds I'd just like to say that I hate the word 'quim'. Not sure why but I read this and saw red. Again, could be because I was expecting a contemporary and I'm getting some historical stuff. Or it could be the lack of proper meds. I'm just saying.

It really is a great concept. A vampire with amnesia? That should make me happy but instead I want to run screaming into the sunset.

This is definitely a situation where it is me and not the book. I know there are bigger issues in the world but, it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to.

You're welcome.

Walk it off!!


Marg said...

What is a quim anyway??

CindyS said...

My answer was that it is the vagina but then I thought I would get the dictionary definition in case I was up my tree again and voila:

Main Entry: quim
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a vulgar term for a woman's genitals, specif. the vagina
Usage: UK vulgar slang

Now I have to go look up vulgar because I didn't consider it vulgar as much as just another name for the vagina. I know many people have a bad reaction to the cun* word and I don't have a problem until someone uses it verbally. On the page, nothing. Spoken and used to degrade someone, the hair on my neck stands up.


Suisan said...

I have such useless bits of triva leaping around in my head.

When I read Turn of the Screw in High School Literatoor class, my teacher spent a lot of time on the ghost's name, Peter Quint. Peter, slang for the, eh, male member, and Quint, which sounds like quince.

The quince is the fruit of the tree of knowledge that Eve was supposed to have eaten--although it looks like an apple. Quince becomes quim over time.

(We looked at many other sorts of sexual/Freudian imagery in Turn of the Screw too--I have a whole routine for parties.)

And the AAR blowups? Good grief! Simmer down and go read a book, you know?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about expecting one thing from FFTM and getting another. I was reading expecting it to be a romantic comedy, and while there were some amusing parts, I could have done without the crazy angry brother whose name I've forgotten. Who, I think gets his own story either in Fangs, but no Fangs, or in the next one. Not particularly looking forward to that.

sybil said...

suisan always has some of the best comments ;)