Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mini Boo-Hoo Post

So. Have I mentioned the move?

Yeah? Uh, huh. 'kay.

*whistles softly to self, rocks back and forth*

Let's see if I can do this.

In the house I have lived for the past eleven years my husband Bob has built me beautiful bookcases. I believe I have posted pics of these modern wonders.

*glances around, whistling becomes a little soggy*

Did I mention they are all built-ins?


We don't own one free-standing bookcase! I am about to move into a home that has no bookcases!! I am about to leave behind these beautiful pieces of furniture that *my* husband built for *me*!!

Can you tell I'm having a bad time with this? No? Too subtle?

I started in my library this evening packing up my books which, heeeello-oo, are going to be in boxes for the next 4 months at the very least! Now, there I am carefully picking out books that I am hoping I will get to read over the summer months and packing away books that have been in the TBR pile for quite a while. I am also removing all of Anne Stuart's books and they are now in a box marked with her name and the area of the new home they are to be placed, by loving hands, into. Yeah, the master bedroom.

So I am doing this and I'm not feeling too badly although the idea of hiding books from my sight freaks me out, I seem to be holding up because I have planned out the packing. No, I'm not an alpha nut so books are hitting the boxes willy-nilly but I am setting aside books that will be marked with some significant symbol to let me know about the books that, in a bad moment, I *may* tear an entire room apart trying to find.

Not saying I am Godzilla but I have been known to crack a time or dozen. I definitely don't want to end up with a room of paperbacks on the floor without the protection of a box!

So planning. Good.

I didn't anticipate the sudden onslaught of tears. Now, I may be able to blame the dust and what the hell, that's going to be part of it because, Good Lord, when was the last time I dusted!?

I'm upset because I have to leave a piece of Bob and I behind in this house. Who am I kidding? We're leaving 2 gorgeous bookcases in the living room (which I stained and varathaned thank you very much), a wall to wall unit in the back room (again, stained and varathaned) and an entertainment unit downstairs that is frickin' huge - 10 feet. In reality, Bob and I have next to no furniture!! Holy Crap!! Where are we going to put the TV!? We're going to be living with boxes for furniture!! I can't believe I am just realizing this as I am typing!

This whole moving thing is becoming too real and I should know better because as a child we moved 3 times that I remember and then I moved here into Bob's house. I love moving because there is a feeling of starting on a new adventure and it was long past time Bob and I moved on from this house.

It's just ...

Holy Shit!! My stove!! I can't take my stove!! Or my dishwasher! It's going to be weird cooking and cleaning with someone elses appliances.



Okay, now I'm laughing.


Kristie (J) said...

Cindy - I feel your pain about keeping your books in boxes. 900% of mine have been in boxes for years and it's rough when that one book calls to you and says "read me!"

ReneeW said...

What do you mean, you have no furniture? You have the Budwieser stools, right? What more do you need? Seriously, I sympathize. I have almost all my books in boxes. But they are very organized and labeled. One box for Balogh :) One box for historical, one for contemporary, one for paranormal, etc. + Linda Howard + Anne Stuart. I had to do this because when the urge hit me to re-read a keeper I tore the house apart looking for it.

The new owners of your house are very lucky people. I hope they have lots of books and can appreciate them. Maybe Bob will take pity on you and build you some new ones eventually. :)

CindyS said...

Renee - you slayed me - thanks for the laugh.

Kristie, Keishon and Renee - well I guess I've been spoiled up the wazoo!! The good news is that most of the book boxes won't be in our bedroom so I can scream, cry and wail without waking Bob up when I can't find that one stinkin' book. ;)

Renee - I'm terrified the people who will buy our house won't like books and will tear everything out. *ohm - let the past go - ohm* I wonder if that Budweiser stool could get lost in the move? I should hold my tongue, I would lose my mind if any of my book boxes got lost. Course, it would take me years to figure out I had lost a box, but still ;)


Bob & Muffintop said...

Moving is exciting & exhausting & emotional all at the same time time. If it's any consolation, I'd find it hard to leave behind built ins too- doubly so if Husband had built them. Letting go of the past is all well & good, but beautiful built ins are a rare find nowadays.

Still- you can move into your new place & draw up gorgeous plans for your Husband to build you new ones- ASAP.