Saturday, May 27, 2006

Questions for Kristie

We've got a live one!!

I knew you all would be too cowardly to step up but, not our Kristie!

I didn't ask about how blogging had changed her life because at her one year anniversary she posted the most wonderful message to all her friends out in blogland. Since her and I are sisters in not getting too mushy online *sob*, I figured I would give her a break.

So! To the business at hand!

1. Is there any other country you would trade your Canadian citizenship for? If yes, which and why. If no, what's so great about Canada?

2. When you go to sleep at night (or day) do you dream? Are they vivid and life-like or happy go lucky places.

3. When did you start reading romance books? Have you always been a reader or did it come later in life?

4. Pick your poison. You have to spend one day alone with one of these people and they have to leave still breathing ;)

Damn, I don't know about you but I just threw up a little.

These pictures will only remain up until you have answered the questions because the Hasselhoff picture is too creepy for words!! Me thinks the man has a dog fetish. Do you think he is sending out a secret message with all the dogs? As in he don't like uh, kitties? Or am I so out of the loop it's a well known fact?

5. Alright, now that *that* day is over you get to spend the next with whoever you want. So post some pics - who's the antidote? And yeah, you can list a few because the antidote needs to be at full potency!

For those wondering what is going on, this was a meme and youyou failed to sign up! Bad Readers.

Brings a tear to my eye.

Whoops, that's blood. The things I do to entertain ;)


Kerri Wall said...

OMG! The Hasselhoff pic is horrible! What the heck was he thinking?

I could never pick! Of course, David could save you when you try to drown yourself.

And is that DeSalvo? Crap, shoot me just for knowing the name!


meljean brook said...

rofl! Oh my god -- I can't wait to see who she picks. So terrible. And what if Hasselhoff started singing? Double whammy.