Sunday, September 18, 2005


Bob left for the reno house for the day and I left Bloodsucking Fiends in the car. Ooops.

So keeping in the TBR theme I have Stardoc by S.L. Viehl and Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold. I think Bujold (lots of info but not visually friendly) even though I am pretty sure Viehl (I can't find an official site, only her blog) may have been in the TBR pile longer.

I heard a lot of love for Miles Vorkosigan and his parents book starts it all. Hmm, according to a timeline there is a book that pre-dates it but, I don't think I am worried about it. I went to a timeline page which created some spoilers - yikes! - I won't link to it in case others haven't read it either.

So, any thoughts? I also have Kushiel's Dart in the TBR pile but, it looks daunting. (Has to be like 800 pgs or something)

Gonna go get breakfast so I think I'll take Bujold for now, I'll let you know how it goes.

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