Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Sky is Falling

Everything is fine so I'll start from the sorta top.

Bob has left the company he works for twice and been hired back twice. He was hired away a third time but the company didn't want him to go and Bob had a change of heart so they agreed to sign a three year contract and the company protected itself by putting in a penalty clause if Bob left within the three years.

It started the month after he signed the contract. Suddenly Bob wasn't happy with his job anymore and for the next three years all I heard was how 'today could be his last day'.

I understand the mentality and explained to Bob that he is a person who cannot be tied to something career wise. It is better if he always has an option.

My family after 7 years of hearing how Bob's company is on the verge of closing (in all fairness on his very first day on the job he was pulled into a meeting about how to keep the company from closing it's doors) or how he is ready to quit, have stopped paying any attention and I don't blame them. I wish I could stop paying attention but then I'm afraid that is when something will happen.

So this December was the end of the penalty clause in his contract and there was a mini celebration by Bob and I. Keep in mind all I had heard since about February of last year was how December 5th was going to be his last day. If he made it that long.

Lucky for me he made it and he said he would take it day by day. All right.

Yesterday Bob gets a 'head's up' from one of his co-workers that says he heard from Bob's boss that he was probably going to be let go. Now, I figured the 'boss' doesn't have a clue that he is the one that is probably on the chopping block. I suggest this to Bob and he sees my point but for some reason he really thought today was his last day.

Here is where I should tell you that Bob is excellent at any job he is given. Yes, I am the doting wife but, I can look at myself honestly and I can look at Bob honestly. I mean, Bob's faults stem more around him having to deal with social situations when he would rather be renovating. In his job, I'm not sure that he has any real problem spots except for his 'no travel' clause. He did that when he met me - I won't fly and there isn't a job in the world I want bad enough that would get me on a plane. Bob meets me and I tell him my faults - a) panic attacks b) can't eat in restaurants and c) don't fly. Ever. Bob looked at me and said 'you can do that?'. From that moment on Bob decided he should never have to fly again and by his next job change we had it written into his contract. He will take a train or drive but, no more flying. Bob flew for a few years after we got married and I never said a word although I was terrified. I would never ask someone *not* to fly if they loved it or were not afraid of it. Bob was afraid of it (not like I am) but didn't think to say he wouldn't fly until he met me. Poor bastard. Makes me unsure which of us got the better deal in the marriage. Oh, and not wanting to stay late after work. He did that for years and he is 47 now and can't wait to get home to see me. Yeah, that's right. See. Me.

So knowing this I figured Bob was going to be asked to fill a position he had turned down twice before. He was. This time Bob took the position because in reality *I* know he is the best guy they have for the job.

They hired within the company the first time and the guy was a nice guy but he couldn't manage the other 2 guys on the team. He gets let go. They ask Bob, he says no and they hire outside of the company and get the current guy (who is the man I figured would be let go - apparently that will happen tomorrow) who not only can't manage the guys but, has an extremely bad work ethic. Oh and he stabbed Bob in the back a few years ago telling lies to the bosses about how Bob was leaving early everyday because he was renovating houses. Uh, no. Bob always puts in his hours for his job and when he needed to be at the reno site he would take a vacation day. Anyways, water under the bridge.

So, to make this story even longer, Bob is now the head of his department which is a job he has avoided for years. He has taken it with the understanding that he will not travel. The uppers have agreed.

I would have been shocked if the company had let Bob go today. You don't hire a man three times over the last 7 years to fire him. He invented a product that is now it's own company - Bob could've run this part of the company if he wanted to but Bob told me he didn't see the challenge. In all honesty, I think Bob would thrive for about a year (it would take that long to turn the company around, streamline and make a profit) but then it would be same thing day in and day out and Bob needs to be challenged.

There you have it. A day in the life of Cindy. It always seems that Bob is on the cusp of a major life change that would impact me directly only something always comes up to keep Bob from leaving his job. I have been telling him that he can leave his job and I will be supportive as all get out but I need to have an action plan. So far that plan has not been produced.

Bob just came in and said, 'if I worked at ____ until I retired we would bring home _____ a year'. Just so you know, I was floored. I looked at him. 'You don't want to stay there until you retire.'

'Yeah, I know.'

'Okay then, I want to see a business plan for what you want to do.'

'How about you become my business manager? You've managed to keep me working, to save money and keep things going.'

I should have answered, okay then, you will work there until you retire. Case closed. Course, I said, he needs to figure out what he wants because I don't want him resenting me years from now because I kept him from following his dreams.

Once again, I am living in the 'sky is falling' world. Never knowing what exactly will happen next but those who have been through these conversations with Bob have decided he will never quit.

I wish I could be so certain.

Thanks for listening. Everyone else is plum tired of the drama. Back to some fun stuff tomorrow but I need to hit the bed and sleep it off!!!


Nicole said...

Uff da. I'm now very glad my husband is an engineer for a company that doesn't like to let people go. And is doing well, but that's beside the point.

My father was a construction electrician for many years and so we moved with the jobs. And of course lived paycheck to paycheck and sometimes not even that. I wouldn't be able to handle that anymore. I need security.

CindyS said...

Nicole, yes, security. The knowledge that there is a paycheck at the end of the month and that you are meeting all your bills and able to put money away.

Sometimes I feel guilty because I do want nice things and have a nice home (we live in a bungalow and I am quite happy here - it's Bob who can go to other people's homes with 2 stories, walk-in closets and big bathrooms and feel like he needs more). I also want to travel but Bob and I like our creature comforts so nothing less than 3 stars for me.

I don't know, sometimes I feel like I am greedy and should just let things lie but then Bob can go funny and talk about homes worth twice ours and how he has worked hard all his life and he deserves that. He does but do you want the mortgage?

Catch-22. I'm beginning to understand that book more and more ;)

Thanks for the sympathetic ear.


sybil said...

YAY for Bob. Hope he got a raise... more books ;).

How do you want to travel if you nix planes?

And if nothing else at least be happy bob isn't pressuring you to get a job to pay for that dream home. I so want to slap my stepfather everytime he starts in with my mother. Who at 46 going on 47 hasn't working in over 11 years and starts to panic at the thought.

CindyS said...

Sybil - Yay for Bob is right!!

As for traveling - boats, trains and autos. Not really sure about the boats after the cruise ship special I just watched but then Bob and I are pretty much attached at the hip so being alone on a cruise would be way odd.

I have only ever been to Newfoundland and all the points in between when I was 10, Florida and all the drive thru spots and uh..oh, Atlanta with Bob on business which is never the same as vacation.

I would like to see the west but Bob has said the day he takes me west is the day he knows he will have to move. Apparently, there is fear among those who know me that I won't come home. Interesting.

I'm very blessed that Bob does not care if I work or not. He loves that I am home with the pets. Too bad we didn't have children because I could have been a stay at home mom. Now, I'm just a stay at home Cindy ;)

Panicking - I so get that.
