Thursday, April 06, 2006

Daily Grind

I stole this one from Megan.

Some things (lame, yes) that I do everyday.

Tell Bob I love him. Smooches and hugs.

Talk to the cats and dogs like they are people and they understand every word said to them. Apparently they don't because I have talked to Rocky and Cody about eating things that are not organic but we seem to be at a stand still.

Check e-mail.

Check blog.

Sleep. (What a friggin' surprise)

Make the bed just before Bob is ready to go to bed. I don't make it up when I get up because there are cats nested in certain areas and I know what it is like to have your sleep interrupted and other than that, I stay out of that room unless it's time for bed.

Go downstairs to watch TV with the dogs. It's gotten to the point where if I'm not down there by 10 pm they start barking for me. We've had people over at night who wonder why the dogs suddenly get vocal. Bob'll say, 'They're calling their mom to come watch TV with them.' Yep, I can be trained.

Hunt for my purse and keys. Yes. Every freakin' day. Considered nipple piercings to attach said items to but, Hell No!! You're not buying that are you? Could you imagine? 'That'll be $7.20 ma'am.' 'Oh, right, let me just get my wallet *hear keys jingle* ooops that's right, it's attached to the left today.'

Have I grossed you out yet?

Think I am funny - most days I think I'm a riot but that might be the meds ;)

Think I shouldn't eat that and then do.

Eat crushed ice. Yep. Not sure why but I love crushed ice so I end up drinking way too much water just before bed. Blasted bladder!! Have no clue why one day it decided it needed emptying more than those 3 times a day.

Did I mention TV? Yeah, lots and lots of TV.

You know, I would have had to put eat out for dinner but I actually made food tonight! What I really want though is a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. This doesn't happen because there is only Bob and myself and he doesn't eat leftovers.

Now before you all think I'm super lazy about dinner I would like to state in my defense that my husband does not know how to properly appreciate a meal. We left my mother's one night and Bob waxed poetic about her lasagna and how it was the best ever. Now he has to beg me to make him lasagna.

I've made homemade stew only to have the hubby say how he prefers Puritan Beef Stew. To all of you that don't know, that's stew from a frickin' can!!! Now I only make stew for me.

Oh, now he likes the roast beef stuff that you buy in the meat section already done. You know, the one that says made from meat? What kind of meat? I don't know but my homemade stuff isn't as tender as that stuff according to the discerning palate of the hubby! I won't eat the packaged stuff and he complains about the homemade stuff so it sounds like another night at the take out window.

I should try harder with dinner. No. Really.

Nahhhhh. Just foolin'!!

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