Monday, April 24, 2006

Movies, Oscars, Polygamy and WTF!?

Aside: The WTF at the bottom links to Ebaum where there is this video that always has me laughing and really, I think it started the whole 'WTF?' - at least for me. Maybe some of you have seen it and some of you haven't - just know, not work friendly or child friendly and you need sound but, I just had to link to it for those of you who haven't seen it. It's a bloody work of art ;)

So I rented four movies before Easter and finally finished them all last night. Like I said, the brain has been acting like it's seeing shiny objects every thirty seconds so sitting to watch a movie was difficult.

This one is going to be a barn burner folks. I have no clue if I will be coherent or not so, you've been warned. Having a hard day focusing? Get thee gone! This'll only make you think the world has gone to hell in a handbasket.

First up. WTF was Good Night and Good Luck all about.

Yeah, yeah, I *know* what it was about but, could the movie have been more boring. Why in the world would George Clooney be nominated for this film? It was pretty much a mini-biography and yes, I understand that there was a fight for constitutional rights and yes, I understand that TV became a medium of entertainment but, I would also argue that I have seen my fair share of real life on the boob tube in the other room. Yes, there is a question of 'what are journalists really doing for us today' but couldn't there also be the backlash question of 'was he the first to *show* his political side to the world' and hence the skewed views we get depending on which broadcaster you are watching?

For such a boring movie it brought up many questions but, I have been asking myself those kind of questions for years so, welcome to the party. Maybe if the movie had been in colour or was that in itself a political statement by, damned if I know who, that there really is a black and white which of course, I totally can't subscribe to.

Next to be bludge - discussed, Capote.


I'm not sure I can even talk about this without coming off as a total moron because even though I had heard the name I didn't know anything about him. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was, of course, brilliant but what was I supposed to take away from this film?

Could someone purchase me a point!!

Okay, I will Wiki Capote and see if I can get my thoughts in a bunch, er, row.

Hold Please.

Annnd, I'm back.

I got nothing. I guess if I had ever read the book In Cold Blood I would have a basis of factual knowledge I could work from. The film basically follows Capote while he interviews the killers (and the movie suggests he was more interested in one than the other). Now, if you are to believe the film (and I guess the writings of Capote) the killer confessed to him and if what he said could even be remotely believed then I would say that it proves that evil just exists. I think the film also suggests that Capote could have done more to help these two with their trials but he needed an ending for his book so he moped and whined to his friends that he wish they would just hang already.

So again, a history of a man that I just didn't get.

Movies I did *get*. The Aviator, although I am so not a, what's his name?, Titanic guy fan but, I felt it showcased OCD in a time when people just didn't know what it was. Also, the Russell Crowe film where he had hallucinations - I think it shows the world that mental illness just is and if it can be in some way demystified and controlled that people with mental illnesses can have so much potential. The scene that broke my heart was at the end when he is old and receiving an award you get one more glimpse from his mind and there you find all his *friends* and they haven't aged a bit. I loved that and I cried. Edited: I have to stop Wiki people - his hallucinations were never visual which makes the movie much more fiction than real life.

I guess we can throw a WTF!? in here to follow that edit.

How does this tie into the Oscars? Well, GNAGL and Capote were both winners and I should know better from years previous but, it looked like there were some excellent films for me to watch. *buzzer* wrong!


I know.

You're just itchin' in your seat. Does this have anything to do with romance books?


It has to do with HBO's Big Love about a family with one father, three wives and crap, I think 7 kids but, it's the pretty kind of polygamy. Nice houses, wives of age, children out in the world getting an education etc. and quite frankly, I've been glued to the TV.

I can safely say after watching six episodes that polygamy is something that I will never understand. I'm still going to watch the show because maybe it will teach me something but, watching a show about a polygamous family that is fairly sane still has me scratching my head.

Why in the world would any sane woman want this? I totally get why a man would want it but why would a woman want this? Of course, this is assuming that the woman is of age and has the right to make her own decisions.

In the show, the first wife was married 11 years and diagnosed with cancer when her husband 'found his way' again (they were both raised polygamists - I think, I know he was) and then she 'found the way' and they brought in a second wife. Third wife was the babysitter but it has come out that she wanted to join the family and the family wanted her to join. Still *shudder*.

I have seen the reality of polygamy (only on shows where polygamists have allowed Primetime or 20/20 into their homes) and it is ugly and that is addressed - sideways but still. I guess if the Sopranos (which I can't watch) can be a hit then a show like this will have an audience and yeah, I'm one of the audience because I'm just too curious to know ...



Megan Frampton said...

I am going to see Capote soon--I love PSH (can't write out his whole name).

But I never did read In Cold Blood either, so maybe I'll be 'WTF?' with you, too.

Other than that, I got nothin.

CindyS said...

Oh good, you can tell me what you took away from the movie. I know not every movie is made for a point. I love me those sci-fi ones - *sigh*. I even get a kick out of obscure films like 'Dude, Where's My Car?' but Oscar movies? I guess I was just expecting more than I got. Now I'm terrified of Brokeback Mountain but I'm thinking I should only watch it when Bob is away. Not sure he wants to deal with weepy Cindy.


Megan Frampton said...

You know I think Brokeback Mountain is the best movie ever. Ever.

It will haunt you. Or at least it did me.