I was in the zone and for the first time in ages I really feel like I'm going to get some reading done!
Since last February or March I haven't been doing well in the reading department at all. I've already talked about how I'm not so good at change and my reading habits were the first to get lost in the mire. With the move, the crazy summer where we had to have everyone up to see where we lived to realizing that the summer was over and no Christmas shopping had been done. The bathroom being torn apart for longer than necessary and then hosting our first Christmas, well, things were definitely not normal. Far from it. And I'm usually so far from normal anyways but wow, last year was definitely not my year for reading.
Thank God for blogging and blog hopping and AAR Mini-polls! These definitely helped to keep me sane except for the yearnings I would get when I saw a book that A) I really wanted to read B) has been in my TBR pile and that I have been meaning to read C) has been in my TBR pile and I've been itching to read.
Well, that's over!
2007 is going to be my reading year!
Okay, some painting would help spruce up this place but I've put a moratorium on spending wads of cash. (Books only use bundles of cash - renovating uses wads) Bob's been making hay since we moved and yeah, he thought of me and put in a brand new gas heater for the pool (woohoo!!) which we'll fire up next week.
It's still winter but you wouldn't know it so maybe the pool will open early but right now, it's January and there's no other place I would rather be than sitting in one of the many cozy chairs in our house and reading until my eyes bleed.
Wouldn't that be bliss! *sigh*
On that note here were my purchases tonight.Thanks to the many bloggers who posted their 'can't wait to get their mitts' on lists. I wouldn't have known about this one if it wasn't for you.
You betcha and I'm in. Oh, maybe it's about slaying vampires. Huh. You know how I don't read backblurbs?
Works for me. Keeps me on my toes.
Yep, you all just wore me the hell down.
Is this a romance like I like?
Probably not. But there are just too many good reviews out there for me to go 'meh' without giving it a shot.
I don't know whether to thank you or put hits out on you. I'll wait and see whether it works for me.
Rosario reviewed this book and talked about how it was an excellent book on, uh, kinda like the different philosophies over the centuries.
I think.
Anyways, this one is way out of my comfort zone but there must have been something intriguing about Rosario's review to get me to put it on my TBB list.
Even when I went and picked it up tonight wondering what it was about this book it had me with the two questions the main character is asked.
Not a romance. At all. This one may linger on the TBB pile for a bit but I know it intrigues me. Here is Rosario's review.
This was a blind pick. It was facing out and I saw Warner Forever on it and decided what the hell. They've been working for me lately and I figured I'd give them another shot.
Also, I only wish I was the chick on the cover!
I would so cut my own toes off if given a sword but day-am, I do so love the idea of being skilled with a sword. And well, skinny and long blond hair would be cool to.
Don't know if I've mentioned, but I'm pretty sure I would kick ass with a crossbow and luckily I would only lose one toe at a time. At least it would give me a learning curve.
I have read the first book by Bacus and liked it. I saw Bacus on the spine and wondered if it was a new series. Saw it wasn't a new series but decided to buy the book anyways.
It just skims my 'don't buy more than two books by an unread author' rule because I have read her. Thing is, I've only read the first book.
Okay, let's just put a Bad Cindy here but I'm not really feeling it.
Ho-HA! Yeah! Threw you with this one didn't I?
C'mon, I've never heard of this author or even seen the friggin' cover until tonight while at the bookstore!
Okay, 'Hell's' might suggest something paranormal and that wouldn't be a surprise. Alright, there is a cover quote by MJD saying she was hooked from the first sentence. (Actually took me the paragraph)
What you waiting for a third? That's all I got. Don't have a clue because I didn't read the backblurb. In my defense my best friend tagged along to the bookstore and she was hovering. Hate that.
So there we go. A great night at the bookstore and in reality it was probably a good thing the best friend hovered because I might have done more damage than I did. I was a bit shocked when it was totalled but I also purchased four magazines (2 on Canadian market/Top 100 companies, Weight Watchers (I know, I'm still wondering what that was about) and House and Home Bedroom edition - need some inspiration for my own bedroom!)
Okay, that's it for me, I have to somehow work all these pictures out because now there are a million and one spaces in the post (fuckin' blogger - it could be IE because I'm in it tonight when I should have used Firefox - meh) and then maybe watch one of the movies I rented.
Quick aside - anyone seen The Lady in the Water my Night? I rented it and then Bob suggested I not watch it because I would be afraid to go swimming at night. Since I love to swim I don't need a new phobia so is the movie about freaky water things or something else entirely.
I just got Poison Study from the library for the same reason. Haven't started it yet, have a bunch of books in line before it (including Meljean's and Colleen's)
Great haul there Cindy!
About LitW, Zeek has a review up. She makes it sound interesting, and not too freaky. :P
Megan - Oh, I know! You're going to read Anne when you get the first chance. I hid mine (okay, Bob did up the bookroom and I have no clue where he put it which is good because I'm trying to save it) and hope to get some reading done this month.
Ames - I did my post up before blog hopping and only got to Zeek's just as I was about to go to bed. I thought it was funny that she had a post up about it - I didn't read too much because I don't like spoilers but it doesn't sound like the concept is about danger in the water. So all good.
Poison Study most likely isn't the type of book you'd normally like, but it's still really good anyway! :) Makes me want to reread it, you know, if I wasn't spending every minute of my quickly vanishing vacation reading other things ;)
Hey Cindy :D
You'll to tell me what you think of Hell's Belle and the Bacus book. I've seen Bacus' series, but so far I have no been tempted. Probably because I was tempted by other books!
It's a nice haul you got there and lucky you had your friend to stop you. I think I've bought like 30 books over the holidays... my sister used to be able to stop me, but she can no longer.
Great haul! I've been trying to avoid buying Poison Study but all the good reviews are starting to weaken my resolve. I'll wait to hear your comments before making my decision. No pressure :)
First of all, hiiii Cindy!!!!! I've missed you. OK, all my fault since I've been MIA. ^_^
Second, Lady in the Water, the water lady is just a mermaid type thingie. What is scary is what is OUTSIDE the water on dry land but in the water is pretty much were it's safe. Hope that helps.
Yay for PS and TRFA!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to read your reviews
Oh, wow, you went and got Sophie's World? Now I'm scared you'll hate it and resent me forever! Just remember it's best to read maybe a couple of chapters per day, so you won't get overloaded!
I agree with Mailyn re: The Lady in the Water, I don't think you need to worry about getting scared of water. You'll probably jump in your seat a couple of times, but more out of surprise than out of real fear. Ahh, it's a good movie.
Jay - I'm just glad that you are sitting and reading - hope you are enjoying your vacation time!
Nath - I have read the first Bacus and will look for the link
Yep - sometimes it's a good thing to go with someone who will give you the 'are you nuts?' look.
Zeek - thanks - I still have the movie but have been giving it the evil eye ;)
Renee - Well don't hold your breath - you know what I'm like!
Mailyn - hi hon! Just glad that you're moving around blogdom ;) Reviews? Do I do reviews? ;)
Rosario - like I could ever resent you!! I'm looking forward to learning a few things ;)
hehehe, Cindy, I see curiosity's got the better of you. Poison Study comes with strong rec from me. The romance element is very subtle, but the focus is on plot and characterisation. Pretty much my kind of book.
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