Thursday, March 30, 2006

You Better Believe It!

Cindys's Rejected Horoscope:

You will figure out the meaning of life then forget it when you see a butterfly flying past your window

'What is your rejected horoscope?' at

Holy Shit!! You'll never believe what I just figured out!!

Oooohhhh, look at the pretty butterfly.


Samantha said...

The meaning of life is 42. ;)

Rosario said...

I entered "meaning of life is" in a site called google talk (takes those 4 words, googles them, and adds the next word in the first result. Then takes the last 4 of *that* and does the same, and so on, until you start getting rubbish). The result:

meaning of life is to live a life of. Love and service to others. by helping them, to identify and describe the stages of the path to Enlightenment The Lamrimâ Chenmo Vol. the

sybil said...

omg I so totally believe that ;)

CindyS said...

Samantha - damn, I thought it was 36!

Rosario - Now I want to look up The Lamrima (with an accent over the a) Vol. Cause I'm weird.

Sybil - Pffffft!! :)
