Thursday, August 03, 2006

Authors Behaving Wonderfully

Okay guys let's make this a meme!!

Let's show our authors some love. Really, it's about time.

Why am I bringing this up now? Well, I heard a wonderful story that I am soooo not allowed to repeat and I won't but when I heard it I thought how we get lambasted with the bad that authors do and forget the wonderful things that authors do. Hey they are people too!!

My first author will be Megan Frampton. I met her through her blog and we started e-mailing interesting bits to each other. We are on a book trading group together and we were talking about our favourite Christmas music. Well my favourite is The Little Drummer Boy (I've never heard a version I didn't love!) while for Megan it is like having a million biting insects crawling over her skin. Okay, those are my words but I'm pretty sure she'll back me up. Megan, you can skip the video ;)

It turns out that her husband, who is a music enthusiast (understatement) makes up his own Christmas Mix CD and Megan, bless her heart sent me a copy. It was wonderful and believe me when I say, I had never heard of any of the songs so it was a wonderful new experience. Loving Christmas music like I do, it was fantastic to discover music outside of what I normally listen to. Megan, knowing I was having a hard time finding the 'spirit' gave me a great gift during a stressful time. (If you're new, Christmas is like my own personal hell - stick around I'm already stressing about it and we still have like, another 4 months!)


Meljean Brook forgave me for being a dumbass but then most people are kind to those of us who are not too bright. I entered her contest to win a copy of her first short story in the anthology Hot Spell. Since I win things about once every millennia (yeah, I'm that old - hey, that was sarcasm!!) I forgot that I had entered the contest and the minute I saw the book I bought it. I felt like a real schlep when I was listed as a winner on her blog.

Uh. I'm an idiot. Unbelievably, I felt so bad that I considered letting her mail it but then I thought someone else would love a free book. Maybe I'm weird but I was real nervous about e-mailing her to tell her I had forgotten about the contest. I mean think about it, you are an author and you come up with a promo idea only to have one of those who entered completely forget there was a contest. Maybe you wonder if all readers are as thick-headed as I am. Luckily she laughed her ass off and thanked me for buying her book. Phew.
Okay, these are really the only personal experiences I've had with authors so I'm going to get general now.

Oh, suck it up.

Before I move on though, you may be one of those cynics who thinks, 'yeah well, those authors are on your side links so you are just talking them up'. So let's get some of the crap out of the way. I have never met Megan or Meljean, they owe me nothing and I owe them nothing. I stumbled onto their blogs and really, I don't remember the how or why (no, I don't drink and surf. Oh all right, I have been known to take some Midol and lose a few hours but who doesn't? Just me again!!? Oh, forget it!) but you don't see Anne Stuart's blog link up on my sidebar (maybe because I worship her from afar and don't want to frighten her). It's just that these two women were friendly and open to meeting other people. I mean, I didn't know Meljean had sold a book for the first bit I was visiting her blog.

Back to the regularly scheduled blog.

Jo Beverly. This woman is class. I have never met her or e-mailed her privately but every time I read something on the internet by her or involving her it is refreshing. She is not an author who feels the need to beat you over the head about her books. She is quite able to approach things as a reader and is able to write her opinions in such a way that you know she is genuinely passionate about romance as a writer and a reader. So, none of her books have been keepers for me. *shrug* Still, every time I see a new book by her, I can't help but pick it up. Hey, I know it'll be a good read and I like her.

At this point you can't help but make the connection that blogging or being active on the internet can make an impact on a reader and I have decided that that can only be true. Yes, I waited a very long time before I picked up a book by Jo Beverly but when I finally did purchase a book by her I did so knowing I was supporting someone who loved the genre and whose writing was well received by readers.

PBW - seriously, I do wonder which name she really goes by. I can't find that information but I know her books on the shelves when I see them. I don't read her blog daily but I do enjoy many of the things she chooses to say. I don't agree with everything but I like that she's not afraid to say what she truly thinks and somehow manages to not offend people in saying it. I mean, reviews are nothing to her. She could care less and yet, I don't find the way she thinks of it offensive. Hey, if it works for her (and obviously it does) then have at it. I don't agree (from a reader's perspective) but I think it is healthier for authors to not take reviews so personally.

Even so, what makes her an Author who Behaves Wonderfully? She will happily promote someone else's book without feeling threatened. She was the first person who mentioned JR Ward (okay, if you had to click that link, what rock have you been living under!? - Ooops, PMS Cindy has arrived and brought Bitchy Cindy with her - oh joy!) and how she believed this writer was about to embark on a great career. I find that very classy. I mean, I don't think these authors know each other and neither has a stake in what the other is doing.

In a world where there are authors who trash each others work on Amazon, it is refreshing to see an author truly support another's burgeoning career.

Another thing? She gives away free books and they don't have to be her books. She thinks nothing of having contests for other author's works and once again, I find this incredible. She will also ship anywhere in the world and pay all the shipping. Someone may say this is a great marketing tool and hey, I think it works but I'm not convinced that she's only thinking of the bottom line. I just don't get that vibe.

Note: I started this blog before the cramps, bloating and general bitchiness started - Did I mention the whole, got my period thing? No? Now you know. I am on my 3rd set of Midol and am getting that wonderful buzzy sensation. Instead of hitting the bed like a sane person I decided to finish this entry. You've been warned.

So here's your mission and you bloody well better accept it or C-Rex will hunt you down and ... *deep breath in - hold - and back out again* Okay, I have to go faster or Uber bitch will emerge.

Your mission if you chose to accept it is to write about an author or authors who have Behaved Wonderfully. C'mon! You have at least one! Then invite others to tell their stories and before you know it, blog land will be full of all the good that people do.

Are you still here?


Just Do IT!!


meljean brook said...

Woot! I'd second Megan -- I have been lucky enough to meet her, too. And kind of hate her, because she's one of those people who can make even a dork like me feel comfortable in a conversation. Which doesn't happen a lot. And I was just looking at her RWA pics, and I envy her hair. Super envy.

Whaddya mean you didn't know I'd sold a book when you first started reading my blog? I'm famous! I'm ... I'm ... *sob* Everyone likes my pictures of He-Man, though.

Megan Frampton said...

Oh, man, I'm all flattered. Thank you both--I try to dodge the fray, which I think just makes me a wimp, but apparently I'm gracious! How nice. Who knew being conflict-averse could have its upside?

I'd nominate Meljean, too, and she is SO not a dork.

And Jo Beverley is always classy--I'd say PBW, too, because she's got opinions, and she expresses them well on her own blog, but doesn't go out of her way to chase down those who disagree with her. Probably too busy writing, I remember she once wrote 40K words over a weekend.

Kate Rothwell is smart and funny and open-minded.

Diana Peterfreund is really smart and opinionated.

Hm. Might think of more.

Thanks for the props, Cindy! I still don't like Little Drummer Boy in theory, but there are some versions I can stand now.

Holly said...

What a fab idea. I love the idea of creating an eBuzz about Author's Behaving Wonderfully, rather than Badly. I'm sick unto death of hearing about how horrible authors (and readers) are behaving online.

I'll be adding this to our blog soon, so look forward to it.

Re: your post:

I've never read MF or MB, but only because I'm fairly new to the genre. I'll be sure to do so at the earliest opportunity, however. *g*

In regards to Jo Beverly, I agree that she presents herself very well, I just don't care for her writing style (I think I've read four or five of her books). Still, I give her props for good comportment. :)


Megan Frampton said...

Oh, and I forgot Nora Roberts. She is always well-spoken/written, and makes her point without screaming 'I'M NORA ROBERTS, DAMN YOU, AND YOU BETTER LISTEN BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE OF MY BOOKS IN PRINT THAN PLANKTON IN THE SEA.' (went to the Natural History Museum the other day.)

ReneeW said...

Wow, Cindy, I'm so impressed. This is such a nice positive thing to do. I got one of Megan's hubby's Christmas CD's too and loved it. Megan is such a sweet person and Jo Beverley is a class act all around. I don't know Meljean well, but her comments are alway funny and classy too. Bad behavior always get more attention than good, unfortunately. There is one author I might do this for on my blog if I can get my ass moving (I'm so lazy lately).

Mailyn said...

I have NO clue who those writers are. LOL. But yay for them!

I like Anne Stuart and Kleypas, oh and Sylvia Day and Rene Lyons and Loretta Chase. Hehehe.

PS now I'm dying to know your author secret. LOL.

Dev said...

David Bowie and Bing Crosby ~ this is my all time favorite Christmas song. Thanks for posting it ~ I hadn't seen the video in years.

And thank you for posting something on Authors Behaving Wonderfully ~ there's way too many posts out there right now about Authors Behaving Badly. It's good to have something positive out there.