Monday, August 07, 2006

I Need A Break - or a KitKat

Today was brutal and I'm upset that I didn't enjoy it like I should have.

I have my period and I'm all achy and extremely hot (very bad for my temper) and then when I was getting dinner ready for the 15 people who were here, I ended up falling into the hedges - my brother was in the way and I bounced right off him. My ego was bruised horribly and then instead of any one helping me up my cousin got her camera out!

Luckily I'm laughing now but OMG!! I'm in this hedge which turns out to have some seriously sturdy branches - I have the cuts and bruises to show - holding myself up the best I can but I can't move. I had just missed cracking my forehead on the rock sill of the window and no one is offering me a hand up. Okay, Billy reached a hand down after the picture was taken but I couldn't move. My cousins husband finally got me out of the bush. Bob was inside the entire time so by the time I got in the kitchen I was truly out of my element.

Ego bruising is not recommended when you're overheated, bloated, and trying to prepare a feast. Yeah, I was weepy and poor Bob was mad at everyone for pointing and laughing.

Until he saw the picture.

My cousin is going to send it to me and if you're all real nice I might just post it for posterior sake. Yeah, that'd be my ass.

Anyway, I'm glad everyone is now gone, I have Bob to myself tomorrow and then he's back to work on Tuesday. (It's a long weekend up nor' here)

At that point I'm reading. No ifs, ands or butts.

Yeah, my ass again.

This just may have been the push I needed to rejoin Weight Watchers but that's a whole other rant.


Nicole said...

Hey, if you rejoin WW, we can be buddies. :-)

Dev said...

Ack ~ I'd be a cross between embarassed and completely po'd. I'm glad you can laugh about it now.

Holly said...

I'm thinking I'd still be pissed, not laughing, but that's just me. How rotten of them to get the camera instead of helping you out.

On the other hand, I'd totally have been pointing and laughing if Dee, Izzy, Grace or Jazz fell like that, so maybe I'm not the best person to offer sympathy.

-Holly (the bitch)

Mailyn said...

lmao!!! ok I'm sorry I shouldn't have laugh but lol!!!

ok, I hope you are better today :-)

CindyS said...

Nicole - I'm still afraid!! I lost weight on it last time but they had desserts here - now there are none (Canada). The other thing was that I switched to diet pop which I think was the partial cause of the increase in my panic attacks. As you can see, I'm still procrastinating.

Devonna - luckily I can't stay mad for long - oh, I can go nuclear and loud and cuss and then I just get over it ;)

Holly - I tend to go with the OMG!! first and then laugh my ass off.

Mailyn - my legs are a mess of bruises but since I'm a klutz it's not all the different from normal - it's just more in your face because of the shorts ;)
