Saturday, June 24, 2006

House Pictures

All of these pictures were taken the day we closed and I was able to go to the house alone while it was empty. You know, get a feel for the place.

This is the view from our living room window and I took this standing inside. Our property goes to that tree line. Yum.

Let's not talk about the pool, 'kay?

The window in this picture was the window I was standing in front of to take that back yard picture. There is a window the same size on the opposite wall and the room is huge. 25' long I think.

My mother laughed her ass off when she saw the house. 'You just can't get away from peach, can you?' My old house was done top to bottom in peach and I eradicated it from the premises.

Now I have a house with a bubblegum pink bathroom AND our ensuite bath is done in PEACH tiles!!!

Karma. It's a bitch.

Okay, you're wondering why I would ever take pictures of a bathroom. Well, you might remember that my husband was threatening to tear it out so I decided I better get my 'before' pics.

Do you see the bubblegum pink walls?

Yes, the bathroom is extremely tiny. My plan is to tear everything out and turn the toilet against the long wall where the vanity is. Just tuck it in that corner and then get one of those dresser vanities that are so popular right now.

And paint.

This one is cock-eyed but it might be because I was in shock over the paneling. This is the wicked, evil paneled room that I spend 50% of my day in. (Yes, the wallpaper in the hallway will be coming down but, prioritize, I must prioritize)

It's all decked out in our stuff now and Bob says he likes the room because he can watch his shows on TV and I'm on the computer in the same room.

Besides the paneling, and HELLO!! that's ugly, we need to get a couch or something because we have Bob's broken La Z Boy and the desk chair in here. The computer chair is not comfortable for watching TV and yes, I'll admit it even though there may be gagging noises - I need to snuggle with Bob when we are watching TV together.


That's it for now because I realize my photo taking skills need some updating. I need to take a picture of my ugly kitchen so you can all pat my head and make cooing noises to calm me.

Oh, alright, you can mock me.


Marg said...

Other people's decorating is always fun isn't it!!

I moved house last year. One of the features of my house is a dark, dark brown toilet. Why? I don't know, but eventually it will be going...that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

oh my, that's peachy. great view though.

Anonymous said...

Love your deck! My mom would be very jealous :)

Suisan said...


I should have taken before pictures of my bathroom--we had pink alligator print wallpaper. Yeah, I know.

What a fantastic back yard you have!! Good choice in your new house, my dear.

(And kitchens: I have this weird idea that one day I'm going to redecorate the kitchen from its current "Early 70s Philipino Motel" scheme to a Curious George theme. I'm not sure what that is, except I think it involves painting the cabinet doors with Curious George motifs.)

Kerri Wall said...

What a great backyard! Just don't try to paint the paneling! I had a friend attempt to paint her paneling white...OMG, it was awful!


~ames~ said...

That paneling is pretty bad. LOL At least the outside of your house isn't pink. Like mine is. LOL

CindyS said...

Marg - I think people go bargain shopping and they will buy anything - even peach toilets! By the time I'm done here nothing will be original ;)

ag - peachy indeed. Yeah, we bought the house for the neighbourhood and because we can do the work ourselves.

Jay - I never thought much of the deck until we put our stuff out on it - gorgeous!!

Suisan - pink alligator paper!! Now that's gotta be vintage. And I love monkeys so I'm not sure if you are joking or not but I manage to keep my obsessions out of my decorating ;)

Fiona - dang. I was going to paint while Bob wasn't looking. Bob discovered while changing out the lighting in that room that there is no drywall. This means when we gut everything Bob will have to drywall the ceiling and the walls. Poor Guy.

Ames - Does your house suit pink though? Some houses suit the cute colours. I'm just glad that this house has white siding and eavestroughs because I hate almond and brown. We had almond on the last house. Ugh.
