Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mental Garbage

"It's true that Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. But I'd like to point out that, by indulging in Sloth, you're pretty safe from the other six. I mean, who wants to run around being wrathful all the time? That's just exhausting. And it's pretty much required that you give up any desire for money or power (Greed) or to be more important or attractive than others (Pride) if you want to spend all day watching the Cartoon Network."-- Kristopher Reisz

Oh, yeah. Just kinda sums up the person I am. I don't know who this Kristopher Reisz guy is ( I will once I wiki him - nope, urban fantasy writer ) but he's one smart dude.

This is going to be my mental garbage post. I think Megan has a fancy name for it but, uh, sloth.

First, have you all seen Fallen with Denzel Washington? 'Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side, yes it i-is'. Probably be better if I find a link to the song. Okay, go to this link and the first song on the list is the one - it plays the chorus. This movie totally got me. I didn't see it coming or nothing.

Also, Training Day with Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke was excellent but very dark so if you don't like that, don't rent this one. Actually the other one is dark also. Forewarned and all that.

I'm thinking of movies because it's summer and everything on TV is a re-run so I thought I would share some of the ones that can surprise.

On that note, I didn't enjoy the new movie out with Samuel L Jackson and dang, can't remember her name - oh Freedomland. I mean, no surprises or anything. Give me something that makes me think. Yes, there was the tragedy of it but, meh.

I really liked 16 Blocks but you should know I'm a slave to Bruce Willis. Yeah, I can tell you which of his movies blew chunks - there was one where he sang or something but I have blocked the memory. Anyways, I really liked this movie and loved Mos Def and David Morse ( I think he is under rated as an actor)

I want to rent Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Robert Downey Jr. is always brilliant but Val Kilmer has been sucking eggs lately) and Syriana (Clooney - after Good Night and Good Luck, I'm not sure I trust him) but I don't have my DVD player hooked up yet. Hooking the cable box up was mission impossible so I'm not looking to add more grief to my to-do list!

End movie info.

This weekend we are going away over night which is always a fun (not) thing. We are going to my uncle's surprise 60th (man, is it me or is this generation making 60 look young!!) which will entail a 4 hr drive. I'm not good on long drives because of the panic but, I'll probably sleep most of the way because we have to leave here at 9:30am on Saturday. The party starts at 2pm and let me tell you, my parents, aunts and uncles can close out a night! They make us young ones look like the oldies!

Ah well, we rented a hotel room so we didn't have to worry about crashing in the back of someone's pick-up truck. Yes, my aunt offered up the 'where ever you land' type of bed. I didn't like that when I was a kid and I sure as hell don't do that now that I am an adult!! Bob doesn't do that exponentially. If you have a back that can slip you need a real bed so, thank goodness, we do and the family didn't throw a fit about it. In fact, my parents, aunt and cousin also booked rooms which threw me for a loop because they tend to like the bohemian style. Maybe the 60 year olds are finally growing up!

So no blogging from me on Saturday night and possibly Sunday.

I know.

You're devastated.

And I'm narcissistic.

On a completely different note I hate damp weather. Now that it is summer and the weather is not blazing hot we have the windows open. This means that the humidity that has been hanging in the air for what feels like weeks now is clinging to every surface in the house. I hate climbing into bed and feeling like my sheets are damp. *shudder*

It's raining now but only softly so the moisture is still in the air which means going to bed is not going to be the wonderfully drug like (Hey!) utopia it usually is.

Moral of the story? I don't like anything that messes with my sleep.

What a frickin' surprise.

On a productive note, I painted over at the other house and sprayed a cleaner all over the shower and ran like hell. Chemicals mess with my sinuses but I'm hoping the chems will have dissipated by the time I get there tomorrow. I'm also hoping this will make the shower gleam like a diamond without my scrubbing my fingers to the bone.

Dang. Good-bye fingers.

1 comment:

CindyS said...

Keishon - I guess I wanted to know more about everything in Capote. He seemed so cold one minute wishing the state would kill them and then he goes to the killers sides the night they are to die and says he did everything he could for them. I wonder how much is true. The part where the one killer confesses what happened - it would only be Capote's word that that ever happened. Most murders never admit to anything to anyone so I wondered about that part.

I'm not sure having more questions than answers means it was a good movie or a bad movie.

Okay, even with Clooney I will rent Syrianna when I get my DVD hooked up.
