Thursday, November 09, 2006


Okay, we'll get to the sweet stuff in a minute, just thought I would share the mental break through I finally had just before Kristie showed up.

Whenever I go through a big life change I go into some sort of emotional shock. My family moved in November of my 9th grade year (or my first year of high school). My father would have to drive me an hour from where we lived at the time to go to a school with a bunch of people I didn't know, 2 years behind in French and staying in the school until 6pm well after all the other kids had left. We did this until we finally moved in November - the high school I would have started was not on semesters and the one I was going to was so they were worried I would get too far behind. Trust me, they would have been right!

I guess at the time there were too many changes at once. I didn't know that I was going through anything until 9 months later when I was watching TV with my father and saw three shows back to back that were horribly sad. I had never cried like that in my life before! I rarely if ever sob so I knew something was definitely up. I finally figured out that for the past nine months I had been on auto-pilot until something in me snapped and allowed me to feel.

It happened again when I got married. I didn't live with Bob before we got married so it was quite a change from sleeping in my own bed at night to having someone stealing all the covers! I broke at the three month mark when Bob came home and found me sobbing on the porch about how the house was a disaster and I didn't know where to start and I was an obvious failure at being a wife. Bob cleaned that house lickety split and said it was nothing to worry about. I settled in after that - I still have the 'I'm an awful wife' moments but they are only about once a year now. *snort*

Sooo, moving to this house I remember thinking that I had to be prepared to go into a shock. Thing is, when you are in the shock you don't *think* you are in the shock.

I was in the shock.

Suddenly I'm looking around me and thinking 'I don't want that toaster there!'. See, Bob unpacked and put everything where he wanted and I was fine with it.


Now, I'm realizing that things aren't done for efficiency (Bob forgets that sometimes) so I'm starting to assert my way.

Poor Bob. He must have thought he had died and gone to Heaven with the way I was acting.

'What? You want to put your Budweiser bar stool on a glass shelf with spotlights? Sure.'


Looks like I'm finally coming out of it and taking the reigns back. Bob and I will rib each other about our projects and tonight I made a crack about whether a toilet would be in our downstairs bathroom by Christmas. Bob said 'Of course!'. I said, 'You realize it's November.' To which the smart ass said 'It's November!! OMG!!!'

Comedian, no?

So yeah, the whip is about to get cracked!


Kristie came for a visit and I talked her poor ear off. I swear I see people all the time but like Kristie says we have so much in common that I barely take a breath when we are together!

All the same, we managed to get to the bookstore finally!

Here's the loot:

Okay, I have read Julia London once before but it was a contemporary. I liked her writing but I felt like the book leaned more into the chick-lit genre. (Dang, Bob was cleaning the desk and my book reading journal is missing so I can't check which title it was)

Anyways, I saw the word Highlander and then the 'At a special price!' logo and I was sold.

Yep, I'm easy.

I can hope these will have a little more steam, right?

My Forever Love was one Kristie helped me pick. I know I have Marsha Canham in my TBR pile but I'm pretty sure I don't have this one. Kristie practically melted when I asked if she had read Canham. I figure that's a good recommendation ;)

I picked up The Lady Killer by Samantha Saxon in my quest to find new Auto-buy authors. The heroine is an assassin.


Other than that, I know nothing.

Like usual.

And then, TADA!! I found this on the shelf after asking the sales associate for help.


I forgot my alphabet and someone had put her first book on the shelf in the wrong place so I was looking an entire 4' section out of the way.

Not bright but whatever.

So that's it from my stash! I seem to like to buy my books in odd numbers. Weird.

I also realized that I have to start reading more. Immediately! Kristie knew or had read almost every author I had asked 'have you read so and so?'

Me? Not so much.

And I call myself a reader!

Bad Cindy.


CindyS said...

Okay, guys, just a heads up to let you all know that if you are using Mozilla Firefox browser you don't get the security pop-ups. If you are using IE you do.

That's all I got so far ;)


nath said...

Hey Cindy :D

Poor Bob :P but it's fine, women were meant to rule and have their way... Bob will re-adjust very quickly :)

As for the books, did you read the other books by Saxon? I've been curious about them for awhile now!

Jenster said...

I think I know just what you mean. We moved 1200 miles away back in June and I think I've been in shock until very recently. I've had the pictures and mirror leaning against the wall in the family room since July or so. I finally told Todd I wanted to hang these items this weekend. He's just been waiting on me because he knew if he went ahead and did it himself I would be most unhappy with his placement when I finally came to. lol

I LOVE Marsha Canham. I have that book in my TBR pile along with a few others. She's a great writer, though.


~ames~ said...

Kudos to coming out of the shock. :P And I have that Julia London book but haven't read it.

CindyS said...

Nath - no I haven't read Samantha Saxon before so I'm hoping I will find a new auto-buy author. Yeah, Bob got a strong sense tonight of exactly who finally woke up. Poor guy is scrambling. Good thing he loves me ;)

Jenster - wow! A 1200 mile move would have definitely sent me into a shock and lasted well past Christmas. You're doing well to start to come out of it now! Now see, Todd is smart - he waited for you. Bob just hung everything where he wanted it because he needs order in his life. It's only now that I look around and think 'oh, hell no!' It's okay, it took me a few years to get his old house the way I wanted it, now I get to fix up this one ;)

Ames - thanks sweets!! Awww, I was hoping I could get a recommend on them!
