Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Godson and Cody

Sorry, this is totally a post about my gorgeous Godson and my dog. I mean, c'mon! Look at him! He happily dons on a woman's hat, turns to the camera and puts on a huge smile.

Tell me he doesn't know he's all that. He is going to be soooo vain when he grows up. Tracy and I (his mom's friends) are always telling him that his cheeks are just so sweet that we want to eat him.

His response? "I know."

Next up we have the picture that had the kids killing themselves laughing. I think it's a pretty great picture also and it was totally a fluke. I went to take a picture of Cody and while waiting for the digital camera to catch up he moved in close and voila - our own masterpiece!

Joshua especially couldn't stop laughing and wanted me to take another one like this.

How do you explain that it just happened? Well, you don't, so you end up taking a butt load of pictures of the kids with their faces crammed in beside Cody's. Since the other kids weren't mine I won't post them but, good golly they are cute!

Now, my Godson Josh has no fear of animals. I remember when he was 2 and he met Rocky and Cody. They barreled at him and he just swatted them out of his way. We've never seen anything like it. Adults used to run in fear when confronted with our dogs. Josh? Never phased him.

Anyways, Cody has changed since Rocky passed and I think it's because he doesn't have a partner in crime. Now he only has the people around him and I guess we're not all that excitable. So the other day Josh walks right up to Cody, grabs him by the head and puts his face right on his nose and hums to him. He didn't know we were watching but OMG, I just melted. Her are a few pictures of him holding Cody's head so the camera can get his best angle.


Shhhhh, I'm having a moment.


The next picture is Cody in the pool area which we never thought would happen. Since we have a concrete pool we are safe to have him near the pool area. Sure enough, the first day we let him in he fell in.

Okay, not so much fell in as put his front legs in to see how deep the water was only to have his entire body disappear under the water. Bob and I hadn't even gotten in the pool yet. Bob freaks out because he kinda panics about stuff like that so we dragged him out immediately. If it had only been me I would have let him swim around to see if the fear left him.

I knew he would only ever get in once and so far, I'm right. Now he just watches from the sidelines. I mean really, doesn't this picture just make you laugh?

Just me? I mentioned I'm easily amused right?

C'mon! It's classic!!

Ah, forget it.


This next picture was taken because OMG Josh is such a goober!

He won't go into a pool over his head because (uh, very long story so settle in) his mother dunked Zachary (his older brother by 5 years) under the water when he was like two years old and Zachary became uncharacteristically afraid of the water. In an effort not to scar Josh she has refrained from doing anything that will upset him in a pool

It is so hilarious when he gets to our house. Apparently he tells everyone on the drive over how he will not be getting in the pool. He tells me when he gets to our house and I just nod.

Well, the minute I'm in the pool here's the conversation

Me: C'mere (loud because he's at the other end of the pool)

Josh: Why you want me? (Shut up, he's five and grammar isn't his strong suit)

Me: C'mere (louder)

Josh: *starts to walk towards me* I don't want to get in the pool.

Me: Take your top off.

Josh: *reluctantly starts to take his top off* I don't want to..

Me: Let's go!

Josh: Ooooookkkkkay. Just don't take me by that thing. (the skimmer hole)

Me: I know, just c'mon.

Josh: *reaches to me* Don't let me go.

Me: Have I ever let you go?

Josh: I'm scared.

Me: I'm plugging your nose and then I'm counting to three.

Josh: I don't -

Me: One

Josh: to go -

Me: Two

Josh: *huge gulp in*

Me: 3

Under/Up - I'm going to use literally here because I'm literally that fast. I could probably dunk him while he is still talking I'm so fast but hey, I believe in a fair warning system.

Me: Woohoo!!!

Crowd (yes there are other people there): starts celebrating and telling him how great he is.

Josh: *smiles because he knows he's all that* Okay, I want out now.

Me: Good, get out!

I know, I'm a tough bitch but hey, he listens to me and at least he has had his head under the water. And he's five!! He should be playing in the pool like a seal! You know what, his parents have never put water wings on him!! I wonder if they make water wings for kids over 50lbs?

All this to tell you that I'm not *that* big of a bitch and wanted Josh to have fun at our house so we bought a small plastic pool he could play around in. Well, not only does he play around, he orders the kids to get him the lounger (floating thing) from the big pool (the children are used to his Emperor ways and do as he asks) and he puts it in his small pool and lays down to *float*.

I mean really.

This kid should have soooo been mine!!

Did I mention I love him to his itty bitty toes?

Just checking.


Kristie (J) said...

Those are some great pictures there Cindy. Joshua is a sweetheart - looks like a heartbreaker already - and the one of Cody with his face right up to the camera is priceless.
And my what a big swimming pool you have. Must be real niiiccee in this weather.

Megan Frampton said...

those are fun pix, Cindy.

And my seven year old refuses to put his head under, and doesn't know how to swim--he had a beef with his swimming instructor at the local Y, and hasn't learned yet. Sigh. My son, the future lawyer.

Anonymous said...

it's a great idea i tried on my child i bought a small plastic pool he could play around in but refuses to put his

~ames~ said...

Josh is cute - but since I'm an animal lover, Cody is cuter, especially by the pool!

Max loves the water. If a puddle is at least 4 inches deep, he'll lay down in it and roll over, just to get wet. But he hates having a bath. Go figure.

And those pictures of Josh and Cody together are precious.

Kerri Wall said...

What fun! Thanks for sharing the pics Cindy! I'm glad you got them working! And my goodness, that pool looks much bigger up close! Niiiiice!


Mailyn said...

OMG I love your dog!!!! that first pic of him is so damn cutsey!!!! reminds me of The Dog brand pictures. too cute.

Suisan said...

Cody's an Aussie, yes? Or part Aussie?

My Aussie, Spreidel, jumped into the pool with us one day and very slowly and gently just sank to the bottom.

Until just the teeny tip of his nose was sticking out of the water.

He didn't panic at all. I practically splashed all the water out of the pool in my mad dash to get to him. It never OCCURRED to him to move his legs.

For the next two weeks I had to hold him in the shallow end, arms around his belly, legs dangling, until he figured out how to swim. Then he loved it, but man, that there was one land animal, for sure.

And your godson is adorable. :)

ReneeW said...

Pictures! Love them. Cody and Josh are adorable. I'm a firm believer that every kid should learn how to swim for their own personal safety. With a good swim instructor I'm sure Cody could do it. You dunking him is actually a good sign. He obviously trusts you.

That pool is AWESOME. No wonder you are so popular with your friends and family.

~ames~ said...

Suisan-I can't believe you had to teach your dog how to swim. That's so precious!

CindyS said...

I posted that the pool was 18x20 but it is actually 18 x 40 - so yeah the pool is huge ;)

Kristie - yeah, I could just squeeze him! The pool finally got up to 80 degrees but it has taken a month. Now, I just dive right in - yum!

Megan - Oh my! At least you have put him in a program and tried - I swam like a fish as a child but I could never do the front stroke - I taught myself the front stoke when I was 26 - it took me months to build up the strength and the knowledge on how to breath properly. Now, I rock the pool ;)

Smith - try and get him to blow bubbles in the water

Ames - I don't know who to squeeze more, the Godson or Cody ;) Max is hilarious! Cody will lay down in his kiddie pool but the minute I get the soap out he gets snaky!

Fi - yeah, I goofed on the size of the pool 18x40 - definitely a big pool - I'm even diving in it now and I don't like to dive in smaller pools.

Mailyn - Thanks! That picture was a total fluke but I love it.

Suisan - OMG Now that would have definitely freaked me out but I love that you taught him to swim - I know my dogs can swim because of that swan dive into the lake too many years ago.

Renee - Yeah, I'm thinking of looking at water wings or even a swimming jacket because Josh loves the beach - might as well get him used to being around pools because I know once he learns to swim - we won't be able to get him out of the pool. I don't know if he trusts me or is just afraid of me but I know he loves me ;)

Thanks for loving the pics. I just love how they all turned out and how sweet everyone looked - okay, Cody and Josh looked ;)
