Saturday, July 15, 2006

Spirit In The Sky

Our 13 year old Black Lab Rocky was called back to the puppy park in the sky today. We were very blessed to have had such a wonderful friend in our lives. He had 13 1/2 great years and one bad day.

Last night he couldn't get outside and by 3pm today he couldn't raise his head. Turns out he had a large tumor in his stomach and he went into liver and kidney failure. He had been acting like a puppy for the last few days so I was hoping he had just pulled a muscle. Hearing that we couldn't do anything for him and seeing him deteriorate so fast helped to make the decision easy.

Still, I can't stop thinking about him.

We went swimming tonight and I all I could think of was Rocky swimming in a pond. It's funny because the two times he ended up in water over his head he made a beeline for the shore.

It's weird how the day keeps re-playing in my head and at 9am this morning I saw Rocky the puppy one last time. He hadn't moved for most of the night and I had called a vet by 8am. I thought I would leave him to rest and when I cracked the door open an hour later he actually raised his head, perked his ears and wagged his tail about 5 times. Bob came home from work at 10am and I was so sure Rocky was on the mend. Having Rocky not respond at all to Bob told him it was over. I was still waiting for a steroid shot that would perk him back up.

We are comforting ourselves imaging him galloping through a never ending park with a refreshing stream he can splash through and endless baseballs to chase.

I needed to write this out so I could deal with some of the thoughts crashing through my head. I keep remembering him at all ages and all the funny things he did. He wasn't the brightest dog in the world which made him even funnier.

The cutest thing that happened in the last few weeks was when Rocky caught a glimpse of himself in the bay window here at the new house. He had lived in a bungalow all his life and Bob and I never realized that our dogs had never seen themselves before. Rocky saw his reflection and stopped dead. At that moment I realized that Rocky would have been one vain puppy if he had had a mirror. I swear he was thinking 'Day-am, who is that handsome Sonofabitch. Is that me? I am hot! *cue the music* I'm too sexy for my fur, too sexy for my fur ...'

In the past few weeks many new people met him and were shocked when we told them how old he was. Even the vet said he looked so very healthy for a dog his age. He had a graying spot on his left flank and a few dapper grays sprinkling his muzzle.

Yep, he could have easily graced the cover of GQ Puppy Edition. Thing is, he could never stand still long enough to snap a picture. We have numerous pictures of the tip of his tail as he scampered out of the camera's range.

He was too busy enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of life and in the end, that is the gift he left with Bob and I.

Edited: Again with no pictures on Blogger. It's all right though. I can't find one that has his puppy look right now. There is a background in Windows XP of a black lab and it is on Bob's computer section. Every time I see that picture I think it is the splitting image of all that was Rocky. I would try and post it but there might be copyright issues and well, Blogger won't let me.


sybil said...

Honey I am so sorry!

I think it is great he felt like his puppyself for a while. Rocky sounds like a grand friend and I am sure he was as happy to be in your life as you were to have him.

Your memories are a treasure.

Kristie (J) said...

Ah Cindy; I'm so sorry to hear about Rocky. It sounds like he was a great companion for you and Bob and that you had some great times with him. Dogs have such a boundless amount of love in them and I know you're both going to miss him tremendously.

Rosario said...

Oh, Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm sure he's galloping through that park, flirting with all the female dogs, now that he knows how handsome he is!

Kerri Wall said...

I'm so sorry about Rocky. I can't imagine what it must feel like to lose a pet that has felt like a member of the family for so long.


Suisan said...

Oh Cindy...

I don't know what to say, really. I've been through this before a bunch of times, and I've never really had anyone else be able to say the one thing that would make me feel better. Obviously, there isn't just _one_ thing.

Rocky was a happy boy with you and well loved. He's going to keep popping up like that in your memories, unexpectedly. I think because dogs just blend so seemlessly into our whole lives and into all our memories.

Take good care of yourself, and of Cody, and of Bob.

~ames~ said...

I'm very sorry about your loss Cindy. It actually made me cry. But at least you got to see him act like his young self again. (((Cindy)))

CindyS said...

Thanks for understanding guys. I sent out a shorter e-mail to friends and family. Most people don't get that because we don't have children, our pets mean more to us.

I started to cry twice today. Once in Petsmart buying a longer leash for Cody (saw 9 new kittens and wondered what Rocky looked like as a pup) then my cousin came and surprised us with a Black Lab mug (I started crying at that point) and a black lab statue thing. Stuff we just never think to buy ourselves.


Suisan said...

Losing a pet is really hard--a lot of people just think you'll "get over it" quickly, but it's a loving 13 year relationship. What's to "get over"?

In other animal news (bad segue), Kate has awarded you a lemur, my dear. You should go pick him up, you snarkilicious babe!

Hugs, Suisan

Anonymous said...

aw, Cindy :( I'm sorry to hear the Rocky is gone - I can't believe it happened so quickly. When we had to put my cat to sleep, I was a junior in college, and while I never needed a good reason not to go to class, I took the day off to mourn the death in my family.

ReneeW said...

Oh, Cindy, I'm such a jerk slacker and totally missed this post. I'm so sorry! Losing a beloved pet is the same as losing a family member. That was so fast but sometimes it happens that way. He will be missed but I know you have a boatload of happy memories to sustain you. Sending lots of ((((hugs)))).

CindyS said...

Suisan, Jay and Renee - thanks guys. It really helps to know that people understand. Right now I have shifted my focus more on making sure Cody is all right but then the two of us will be outside and there'll be this moment where I know Cody is wondering where Rocky is. Funny how you can sense that. That's a hard time but I'm hoping Cody is finding comfort in me being there. I know I'm drawing comfort from him.
