Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Book Buying!

Aw, what the hell. I'm not reading but I can still buy, right!?

So today Bob and I went to London and met Kristie on her home turf and yes, we managed to drag Bob to the bookstore. I thought it was funny when he scanned by at one point, pointed at Kristie's books in her arms and said 'she has more than you, quick buy more books!'. Uh, OKAY!!! I'm going to go book shopping more often with people because that phrase has never come out of his mouth.

I do want to take a bit of a side track and tell you that Kristie's library is *breathtaking*!! Bob was there talking to Kristie about the shelving and where she bought the wood from and I'm staring like a deer in headlights at all these books. I'm talking lots and lots of books. I was trying not to be rude by just sitting my ass down and going through the books one by one. I think I managed a few 'uh huhs' at the right times. Kristie has authors in her library that I have never even heard of and it was all I could do not to grab a few off the shelves and browse through them. I figure on the next visit we can sit but Bob noted she only has one chair in the library room. Clearly, Kristie ain't sharing ;)

Oh and Kristie found out just how weird it is to go through a drive-thru with me. Hey, I'm nothing if not succinct in my food needs. It's precision people!! You want your food cooked right, tell them the way it's to be done.

Yeah, I figure I have had spit in my food but I try not to dwell on that.

Bob knows we're in trouble when the drive thru people take one look at me and say 'hey, you want 6 vinegar, 6 salt and a fork, right? We've talked about you!' I stopped going there for a month but that didn't seem to phase them and quite frankly, who am I kidding, I need choices in my fast food!!

Okay, books.

I was getting there!

I finally caved and bought the tradesize book by Emma Holly called All U Can Eat - the title makes me squirm and yes, I turned twelve today send cake pronto - chocolate only please. Apparently PMS stalks the young also. Anyways, I thought this was supposed to be in paperback size now but I have yet to see it. I figure I'll hit a drugstore tomorrow and see it at a shiny new 'low price'. Whatever.

Next I picked up Dead End Dating by Kimberly Raye and yes, I have heard some 'meh' reviews on this one. I don't know, I picked it up, scanned the excerpt and thought, 'shit, she sounds like me only dumber' . Quiet!! Looks cute and Bob said I had to buy more books so there.

The Grail King by Joy Nash - The cover and title definitely drew me to this and Kristie thinks she has read another book by her. In my quest to try new authors I figured what the hell. The little 'special value' button on the book helped with the sale also. Ohhhh, a book that's cheap - I'm in!

If You Could Read My Mind by Pamela Labud - I have seen this book somewhere but I can't remember where. Again, quiet down. My memory is not getting worse with age! It's always been this bad. Where was I? Right! New author to me, cheap book. We've seen the results before.

Even Vampires Get The Blues by Katie MacAlister - HEY! Throwing things is uncool! I don't know what came over me, I was there, the book was facing forward on the shelf and 'vampire' was in the title. I fought it, I really did but then I just walked one too many times past the shelf and whoops!, it fell into my book stack.

I know. I'm weak. I'll try harder but really, has there been anything published this month and by this month I mean friggin' now and not the 30th that looks remotely interesting? Hmmm?

I rest my case.


nath said...

Hey Cindy :D

That's cool that you had a great time with Kristie... man, I really wish I could see her library (like real, not in pictures)... maybe I should drive down one day and meet both of you + Bob of course :D You know, when someone tells you: Quick, grab more books... YOU NEVER ARGUE :D I have to bring my sis with me so she'll look at me funny, make me squirm so I don't buy everything... Altho, most of the time, it fails.

Kristie (J) said...

Next visit *and yipee, that means you'll come again* you can stay and linger and peruse to your heart's content. And though there is only one chair in the library, there's also a footstool and a step stool and lot's of places to sit in the next room if Bob wants to sit and relax while we talk books :) And what is a library for except to lend out books should some catch your interest.
And it was ordering the bacon cheeseburger and asking them to hold the bacon and cheese that had me laughing!

~ames~ said...

I hope you enjoy All U Can Eat. And I'm sending you some cake. Maybe I won't though, I'm super jealous you got to see Kristie's 'brary. I want to visit Krisite too. LOL I'll disappear into the library and never be seen again...

Anyway, I've read Dead End Dating, it was a B for me (I think-the memory thing isn't working for me either). And Even Vampires Get the Blues was a DNF. Actually I couldn't even finish Chapter 1. Maybe you'll like it and I can give it another shot. :P

Mailyn said...

Oh so jealous! I wish I had someone to go book shopping with! Sounds like you guys had a great time. Oh and go Bob for telling you to spend more money! Gotta love that in man. :-)

LMAO at the drive thru! I just don't go anymore. They never get my order right. Those people are completely lost if you don't order exactly what is on the menu!

C2 said...

I liked Dead End Dating - I agree with Ames. It was a B. I read Even Vampires Get the Blues a while back and don't remember it being awful...but not outstanding either.

If it's October, it's time to read about vampires!! LOL

Someday I'll have a library...maybe one almost as cool as Kristie's, even. See? I have a goal!

Anonymous said...

Dude, you know the MacAlister book is number 4 in a series, right? Aren't you anal about things like that?

I read Dead End Dating for review and I hated it. Well, hate might be strong, but I highly disliked it and scanned 2/3 of the book before giving up and reading the last chapter. If I hadn't been reviewing it, I would have sent it out on PBS after the first 2 chapters. Bleargh. Hope you like it more ;)

CindyS said...

Nath - I think my mother could keep me from buying pretty much anything. Except lingerie but that's because I know it would mortify her and I'm all about spreading the love ;)

Kristie - *Swartzenagger impression* I'll be back. ;)

Ames - yeah, I'm having some buyer's remorse but then they are books so how can I feel truly remorseful?

Mailyn - you must be specific and my need of food that I have not cooked myself seems to be strong. Thus, I keep at it ;)

C2 - Libraries are always a great goal!

Jay - uh, not anal thank you! ;) When you say fourth in a series do you mean it's the same heroine in every book or like a romance series where there is a group of people connected by the smallest string?

You hated Dead End Dating. Man, I'm screwed!


Anonymous said...

I wanna go play! Sounds like a great time...

but why hold the bacon? Couldn't you just not order a bacon hamburger?

I know I am missing something here ;)

CindyS said...

Sybil - the bacon has a pepper taste that bleeds onto the burger. Yep. I'm that picky ;)
