Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Early Hibernate Mode

Note: All links in this blog are for fun!! Don't download anything you don't want - I just did by accident - crap.

You know how I am nocturnal? Well for some reason my body has decided it needs more sleep than normal. I woke up at about 5:30pm yesterday, went out until 7:30pm. Bobby was sleeping (which is rare - he never naps) when I got home, so I decided to crawl in with him. I woke up at 9:30pm and stayed up until midnight. Tired again I crawled back into bed and woke up a 2am but stayed in bed until 4am. It's now 6:30am and I could go back to bed (note, not work friendly but had me laughing my ass off) right now.

This does happen to me every once in a while (about every three months). I think this time it is definitely stress related. I had a rough day yesterday and once Bob figured that out he was able to calm me down. Yeah, I sometimes force him to read my mind - poor guy.

It takes a lot to get me upset and usually it's like a flash in the pan. I have never been able to sustain an anger for more than a few hours. Then it's normally because someone has underestimated me or taken me for granted. Yesterday it was definitely 'for granted' and I couldn't shake it and I was fuming for a good 12 hours. My best friend reminded me that one of the most stressful times in a marriage is when people are selling a house. I'm not so stressed about selling the house (okay, there is that) as I am that the basement at the other house is not progressing as fast as I think it should. This is not something I can really help until it's ready to paint but, it does upset me that it's not done yet. I don't think the house will sell until the basement is finished so I want to get it done pronto!

My problem? I woke up Monday feeling like I had been hit by a battering ram and I did not want to go to the other house. Not normally a problem except lately, if I don't go, no one goes. (my dad and Bob are the other two that work). I went there on Saturday night and let me tell you, Bob and I drywalled the hell out of the biggest room. When my dad found out that I had drywalled, he was all over doing it so that the next room started to come together. Um, why do I have to be doing this for someone else to suddenly decided to do it also? Anyways, drywalling has been halted because of electrical (which with my klutzy ways, I wouldn't touch even if the whole house was turned off) and strapping (which I don't know how to do). I would attempt it if it was wall but this is the ceiling and keeping my arms above my head for too long hurts like hell.

Ah, well. Hopefully I will feel more energetic soon and I can get back over there.

Reading? I tried to read Palmer's Renegade which had a copyright date or '04 or maybe '01 and it was reading like a YA book. No Thanks.

Wow, so much for this being a blog about books. That said, I think the stress keeps me from picking up books. Once the other house is complete I will probably start reading again. I really, really can't wait. If I don't pick up a book then, it will be an official slump but, I'm not calling it yet!

Hey, if you get bored, I might whine about life goals and such in the next blog. For example, you set a goal and it looks insurmountable but somehow you pull it off. Now what? Yeah, a new goal should be put together but Bob is resistant to this. We had a 10 year plan and we bloody well achieved it, in 9 years - woohoo party! Now, I think we need to come up with a new plan or dream. Bob seems to want to flounder and hum and haw. I know what is holding him back and hopefully everything will come to a head before Christmas (ooooh, the most stressful time of the year for the panic ridden me - yipee!!). Anyone else in a 'now what?' sort of place? I've learned the value of having something to strive for. Without it you kinda run amok. Once again, amok not good - at least for someone like me.

Ah, screw it. Go have some fun!

Online games at Pogo

Ohhh, haven't been here before - Shockwave

Addicting games - they have Tetris, the most addictive game ever!

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