Sunday, August 07, 2005

MaryJanice Davidson

Not sure I need to go into my background with MaryJanice Davidson but, just to give you guys something to measure my opinions to.

I started MJD with Undead and Unwed and had a rollicking good time. Romance part was short but, I didn't consider the book a romance as much as just fiction.

Hmm, do I need to explain that? Just in case, with romance books I expect the story to be about two central characters who find a HEA. Fiction, anything goes and quite frankly usually does. As a rule, I am a strict romance reader and rarely step out, but I do read LKH and Janice Evanovich. Yeah, that's right, I'm a romance slut and I'm not embarrassed to admit it. Okay, yeah, maybe it is disconcerting when I read the reader interviews over at Maili's and realize that I am not nearly as well read but, what the hell. I'm a happy reader and that's all that counts....crap, where was I?

Ah, yes, Undead and Unwed, had fun. Bought the Secret Anthologies with her stories, had my eyebrows raised but once again, not bad. I especially loved the one with the female werewolf and the human male. It was hilarious. Sex, a bit squicky but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound.

I think Undead and Unemployed was next but the memory fogs at this point. Once again, fun but, light on relationship building but must remind myself, not a romance.

Then, The Royal Treatment. Good God, horrible. Sold my copy.

But, hey, that's only one strike so on I go and read the anthology Undercover. Once again, I am a happy camper although I swear the stories are getting shorter. Yep, they are.

Then, Derik's Bane. Not. A. Romance. At least, certainly not for me. The heroine showed no sexual interest in Derik for most of the book. I mean, the first time they have sex, she thinks she must so she just lays back and basically says, have at it. Yetch. Blech. On the flip side one of my dear friends loved it. Crazy.

Hello Gorgeous comes out and I am a sucker for punishment so I buy the tradesize and lucky for me, I really enjoyed it. Still a wee bit short on relationships (and pages) but the dialogue is zingy and the heroine's boss is worth the price of the book alone because she hates him and her best friend falls madly in love with him. Yeah, I liked that part.

So out comes Undead and Unappreciated and in hardback no less. Apparently I am that slut I mentioned up above because I order the book.

Loved it!! Yes, yes I did.

I was worried when I read Derik's Bane. No, I was really worried but, the verdict is in and U&U was everything I wish the other books had been. What do I mean by that? There was a depth of character with Betsy this time around. Life was not easy and she screwed up royally and she cried. Wonderful. Also, there was more *umph* to her relationship with Sinclair. I always felt that Davidson skimmed over the relationship. I mean, really, Betsy just word whipped him constantly and Sinclair? Yeah, he could use some more depth. He had some moments in the latest but it would be nice to delve deeper into who he is and such. Course, what am I talking about? This is for fun and giggles and I did have fun and there were a few times I laughed out loud so all in all, a good read.

So there you go, my history with MJD. Whadamean, you didn't ask?


1 comment:

sybil said...

I liked Derik's Bane :)

I did I did. It was my first MDJ.