Monday, August 29, 2005

More Movies

Bloody Hell, I lost my post.

Quick re-write, I just finished watching The Postman, a movie made by Kevin Costner and based on the novel by David Brin. As Maili and Sybil (Sybil got a whole new look!! Beautiful!)would say :: le sigh :: I had forgotten how long the movie was and well, now it's 7:30am and I still haven't gone to bed. I hope I get sleepy soon.

What I love about this movie is the appeal of the everyday hero and his bloody name is Gordon. That's right, Gordon. Not Brock, Lance, Gregori, Sebastian, Sin, Jake...oh, you get the idea) Someone who becomes a hero even against their own will. (visions of Han Solo, hmmm) Where was I? Right, the postman is a hero that I understand and the humour of the movie is spot on. Add to that, Will Patton as the villain and I am in movie heaven. Patton only came to my notice in Armageddon and trust me, it was hard for him to shine next to Bruce, but shine he did. On that note, if you haven't seen Remember the Titans stop reading and go rent this movie. Yeah, it looks like a sports movie but it is so much more!

I know many people list Field of Dreams as their favourite Kevin Costner movie but for me, it is a toss up between Dances with Wolves and The Postman. I would suggest the reason is I need a little romance in my movies and FOD is really about the father / son relationship and well, I'm not either of those. Still, great movie. Oh, and eye candle, Ray Liotta. Note 2: If you haven't seen Article 99 you may want to rent it just to see Ray playing a real nice guy and bonus, Keifer Sutherland and Forest Whitaker are there also. It's from '92 and it will feel dated, all the same, it was a great movie.

Fun Link: - for those of us willing to admit to our addiction. Yes, even Starship Troopers is a movie that I enjoyed. Crap. I watched SST II and was very into it also, until the end. There, you know all my secrets. Would my case be better made if I said I didn't go see these on the big screen? That in a moment of sci-fi frenzy in which there were no new movies to watch I picked up a movie that even I scoffed at? No? Just checking.

Edit: I just read a review of The Postman but I think the person was trying way to hard to come away from this movie with a message. I say, just hang out and enjoy the ride.

Okay, I am off to unwind. I wish I could tell you that I am going to pick up a book but I have cracked the whip and have put a deadline on the other house. Drywalling will be my main focus for the rest of the week, followed by painting, then....

I think I will be reading some Diana Palmers. Sorry. Oh, I know, I will list my keepers that I read in 2004 but I don't think they are very far off the beaten track.

I, however, feel like I live on the beaten track body and soul. I can't wait for the other house to be done because I have a gift certificate for a massage. Ahhhhh. Wait, no fantasizing, it's a while off yet. Yeah, boo-frickin'- hoo for me. I see another movie in my near future though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this one got roasted by the critics when it came out, but I thought it was a much better movie than they did and I quite enjoyed it too.