Thursday, August 25, 2005


Today's my birthday (singing)! What does a girl do on her birthday you ask? Why, tear out carpets!

Before Picture

Midway - because ya know I needed a break ;)

And Finally - Tada!

Yeah, it ain't gorgeous but it no longer smells. There is still a whiff of kitty but a good mopping will fix that. After this (and yes, the desk still looks like that) I jumped into the pool. 3am swim - fantastic and I think I saw another falling star - it was a flash so I'm not sure but the moon was bright and I saw Mars. Yes, it's there but, it just looks like any other star only brighter with a tinge of red. Oh, and I got an e-mail greeting card from my Aunt Wendy timed at 3:30am - yep another nocturnal wonder ;)

Bob called from Northern Quebec via a satellite phone (some fishing camp) and said that they saw the Northern Lights and the Milky Way - I'm green with envy. Also, he has been catching fish and I'm all 'so how many?' and he won't quite answer although last night he said he had caught 6. Hmmm, why won't he answer.

Me: 'You throw them back, right?'

Bob: 'Ah, no, you're not allowed'.

Me: 'So what do you do with them?'

Bob: 'I'm going to bring them home.'


Me: 'You are not bringing dead fish into this house!'

(Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't want live ones either but, I don't eat fish and I am certainly not going to clean any because you know that hasn't been done!)

Bob: 'How about your parents?'

We'll see what happens and no, I didn't say he could give them to my parents. I love them and don't want them to hate me! I still have no clue how many fish have been caught.

On another note, do you think Bob hates (and I mean, hates) going away because he misses me or because he comes home to something else being done to the house?

Damn right it's because he misses me! ;)

Oh, and I'm 35. I'm having weird feelings about the whole thing but I am blocking them fairly well. Bob is home very late tonight (probably the last few minutes of my B-day - no need to worry, we have birthday weeks around here!) and I told him not to be surprised if I burst into tears. In reality most of my friends are way older than I am and Bob is 12 years older than me so no matter what, I am forever young!!

Hmmm, I thought the extra exclamation point would make me believe ;)


lost said...

Happy birthday, mite! :D

Tara Marie said...


The floor under the carpet looks great. You're lucky, our house is 100 years old and under our carpet is 2 layers of vintage linoleum (both in really bad shape) and under the linoleum are wood floors in shabby shape.

Suisan said...

Happy Birthday!!

Your floors look tee-riffic. Congratulations on getting the carpet up. (This is one of my favorite home improvement projects: grab a corner and rrrrip. Well, there are the nails and the disposal, but the ripping is very satisfying.)

Good luck on the fish. :-P

Megan Frampton said...

Happy Birthday!

I just turned 41 last week, it's not so bad. I think. Congratulations on being so productive, too!

CindyS said...

Thanks Guys!! I had a great day but had to dose myself with anxiety meds (my family brings on the worst panic attacks) so when I got home Bob was finally home. I hugged him and then said, I have to go to bed! They dope me out but at least I can enjoy my family without stress.

My mom apparently loves trout so Bob has one taker on a fish.

The floors are in rough shape but, seeing as how I have re-finished hardwood floors in 3 houses, I don't find this overwhelming. I just want to let the floor breath for a bit and wash it really well.

This room was always one of my favourites because of my books but in the last few months I could barely look over the shelves without being overwhelmed by the smell. Thank God that's over!

Thanks for the B-day Wishes
